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为了认真贯彻总局提出的加强成果质量,实现以成图为纲,力争多出图、快出图、出好图、降低成本的指示。除六一年六月总局已颁发“大地、地形测量技术设计与检查验收规定”中的各项要求外,我队并结合实际工作中一些具体情况,特制订“关于提高大地测量成果质量制度(试行草案)”作为说明和补充,使我队的成果质量在总结以往经验教训的基础上,得到进一步的提高,以便更好地适应国家各项建设的需要。 In order to conscientiously implement the General Administration’s efforts to improve the quality of achievements and realize the guideline of using mapping as the key link and striving to increase the number of plans, make plans faster, make good plans and reduce costs. In addition to the requirements of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China on the Design and Inspection and Acceptance of Surveying and Mapping of Geodetic Terrain in June, June 2011, our team formulated the Guidelines for Improving the Quality of Geodesy Results Trial Draft) "As a description and supplement, the quality of the achievements of our team has been further improved on the basis of summing up past experiences and lessons so as to better meet the needs of various national constructions.
运材岔线使用期较短,建筑费用很高,需要寻求经济的岔线结构和最佳铺设方案。 1977年,笔者提出了建筑装车场环形设置的岔线方案。该方案如下:不象通常那样把岔线修到伐区的尽
Selective breeding of the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the last decade has produced new varieties exhibiting high growth rates and disease r
The Fox genes encode a group of transcription factors that contain a forkhead domain,which forms a structure known as a winged helix.These transcription factors
本文综合地介绍了苏联TГК1、TГМ1、TГМ3、TГМ3A、TГМ10、TГ102К、TГ106和TГП50型液力传动内燃机车传动装置自动控制系统的结构及作用原理。 This paper comp