
来源 :初中生世界·七年级学习版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenxu
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  1. send 动词,意为“发送,寄;派人”。
  I usually send postcards to my friends before their birthdays. 我通常在我的朋友生日前给他们寄明信片。
  【搭配】 send sth. to sb./send sb. sth. 意为“送某人某物”。send sb. to+地点,意为“送某人去某地”。
  【拓展】 send for sb. 意为“派人去请……”。如:Send for a doctor at once.
  【词汇运用】 完成句子:
  (1) 我生日那天,我父母常常送我一些礼物。
  My parents often______ ______ ______ on my birthday.
  (2) Jim病了,我们不得不送他去医院。
  Jim is ill. We have to______ ______ ______ ______.
  【答案】 (1) send me presents (2) send him to hospital
  2. pay 动词,意为“付钱;给……报酬”。
  He paid 4680 yuan for the new computer. 他为那台新电脑付了4680元。
  【搭配】 pay some money for sth. 意为“为……付了……钱”。
  【辨析】 spend,cost,take,pay之间的区别如下:
  【词汇运用】 用spend,cost,take或pay填空
  (1) I ______ twenty yuan for the book yesterday.
  (2) How much does the new car ______?
  (3) It ______ me 20 minutes to ride to school every morning.
  (4) The students usually ______ a lot of time learning English.
  【答案】 (1) paid (2) cost (3) takes (4) spend
  3. badly 副词,意为“严重地,厉害地”。
  The little boy was badly ill. 小男孩病得很重。
  【联想】 badly是形容词bad的副词形式,反义词是well,常用来修饰形容词或动词。
  【易错提醒】 bad和badly的比较级和最高级相同,都是worse,worst。
  【拓展】 be bad for意为“对……有害”。
  【词汇运用】 用括号里单词的适当形式填空。
  The man was ______(bad) hurt,and the next day,he was even ______(bad).
  【答案】 badly;worse
  4. careful 形容词,意为“仔细的,小心的,认真的”。
  Be careful,the car may hit you. 当心,小汽车可能会撞到你。
  【搭配】 be careful with... 意为“注意/当心……”。如:We must be careful with the fire. It may burn the house. 我们必须小心火,它会烧毁房子。
  【拓展】 care名词,意为“在乎,在意”等。careless是careful的反义词,意为“粗心的”。carefully是careful的副词形式。
  【词汇运用】 用所给词的适当形式填空。
  (1) Don?蒺t be______(care),we must do everything ______(care).
  (2) We must eat healthy food and be ______(care) with our health.
  【答案】 (1) careless;carefully (2) careful
  5. news 名词,意为“新闻,消息”。
  No news is good news.没消息就是好消息。
  【易错提醒】 news虽以s结尾,但它是一个不可数名词,“一则新闻”用a piece of news表示。
  【拓展】 newspaper是可数名词。
  【词汇运用】 ______ good news it is!
  A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
  【答案】 A
  6. lose 动词,意为“迷失,丢失;失去”。
  Jack is a careless boy,and he often loses his key. Jack是一个粗心的男孩,他常常丢钥匙。
  【联想】 lost可用作形容词,意为“丢失的”。loss是lose的名词形式。
  【搭配】 lose one?蒺s way意为“迷路”,和get lost同义。
  【拓展】 lose one?蒺s life意为“丧生”。
  【词汇运用】 翻译句子
  Yesterday,he ______,______ and ______.   【答案】 lost his bike;lost the match;lost his way
  【原句再现1】 Some children are not even able to pay for school. 有些孩子甚至付不起上学的钱。
  【结构解析】 be able to意为“能够做某事”,表示“有能力”,可用于各种时态。can也表示“能够”,但只能用于现在和过去两种时态。
  【句型运用】 根据中文提示,完成句子。
  (1) I?蒺m sure I ______(能够) do better than anyone else tomorrow.
  (2) He ______(能够) swim when he was a child.
  【答案】 (1) can / am going to be able to (2) was able to/ could
  【原句再现2】 He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire. 他足够勇敢,从火中救了他的邻居。
  【结构解析】 enough副词,意为“足够地”,修饰形容词和副词,且必须放在它们之后。enough也可用作形容词,作定语时,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。
  【句型运用】 根据中文完成句子。
  (1) This book is ______(足够容易) for us to read.
  (2) Don?蒺t worry,he can look after you ______(足够细心).
  (3) We don?蒺t have ______(足够食物) to eat.
  【答案】 (1) easy enough (2) carefully enough (3) enough food
  【原句再现3】 He put out the fire with a wet blanket and helped Mrs Sun out. 他用湿的毯子灭了火,帮助孙夫人出来。
  【结构解析】 put out意为“扑灭”。其中out是副词,所以代词作宾语时,要放在put和out之间。
  【句型运用】 根据中文提示,完成句子。
  Excuse me,could you please ______(熄灭) your cigarette?
  【答案】 put out
  【原句再现4】 That sounds dangerous. 那听起来很危险。
  【结构解析】 sound是连系动词,后可接形容词作表语。类似的动词还有look,smell,taste,feel,keep,seem,be,become,turn,get等。
  【句型运用】 根据中文提示完成句子
  (1) The story __________(听起来很有趣).
  (2)The food ______(看起来好),and ______(尝起来鲜美) .
  【答案】 (1) sounds interesting (2) looks good,tastes delicious
  【原句再现5】 Keep your hair away from fire. 让你的头发远离火。
  【结构解析】 keep sb. /sth. away from sth. 意为“使某人/某物远离某物”。keep away from意为“(使)不接近;避开;远”。
  【句型运用】 翻译句子
  (1) 让那小男孩远离那只大狗。
  __________ the big dog.
  (2) 我们应该远离香烟,保持健康。
  We should _________ smoke and keep healthy.
  【答案】 (1) Keep the little boy away from (2) keep away from
  【原句再现6】 By the way,can you take your camera with you,Amy? 随便说一下,Amy,你能带上你的相机吗?
  【结构解析】 by the way意为“随便说一下”;on the way to...意为“在……路上”;in this way意为“用这种办法”。
  【句型运用】 根据中文提示完成句子
  (1) You can find the answer easily ____________(用这种办法).
  (2) ____________(随便说一下),can you buy a newspaper for me ____________(在你回家的路上)?
  【答案】 (1) in this way (2) By the way;on your way home
  【原句再现7】 She does not do her best this term. 这学期她没有尽最大努力。
  【结构解析】 do one?蒺s best to do sth. 意为“尽某人最大的努力做某事”,和try one?蒺s best同意,后常接to do sth.。
  【句型运用】 根据中文提示完成句子
  We should ____________(尽我们最大的努力) to learn our lessons well.   【答案】 do / try our best
  【原句再现8】 I started to play the violin at the age of six. 我六岁开始拉小提琴。
  【结构解析】 play the violin意为“拉小提琴”,西洋乐器名词前要加冠词the。如:弹钢琴 play the piano;弹吉他 play the guitar。
  at the age of...意为“在……岁;在……的时候”,相当于at+年龄+years old。
  【句型运用】 翻译句子
  (1) 郎朗钢琴弹得非常好。Lang Lang ____________ very well.
  (2) 在中国,小孩子7岁上学。In China,children go to school ____________.
  【答案】 (1) plays the piano (2) at seven years old /at the age of seven
  【原句再现9】 We look forward to hearing from you. 我们盼望收到你的来信。
  【结构解析】 look forward to意为“盼望”,后接名词,代词或动词的ing形式。hear from sb意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于 get/receive a letter from sb。
  【句型运用】 翻译句子
  (1) 我盼望在北京见到你。I ______ ______ ______ seeing you in Beijing.
  (2) 我常常收到我父母的来信。I often ______ ______ my parents.
  【答案】 (1) look forward to (2) hear from
  A. can和could与can,could和may表示能力和许可的用法
  【语法运用】 用can,could和may填空
  1. ______ you come to the party tomorrow?
  2. ______ you swim when you were young?
  3. — ______ I come in? — No,you can?蒺t.
  4. — ______ I use your pen? — Yes,of course you may.
  【答案】 1. Can 2. Could 3. Can/Could/May 4. May
  B. 感叹句的用法
  【语法运用】 选用what,what a/an,how填空
  1. ______ beautiful flower it is!
  2. ______ interesting books they are!
  3. ______ fine weather it is!
  4. ______ terrible the fire was!
  5. ______ beautifully the little girl is dancing!
  【答案】 1. What a 2. What 3. What 4. How 5. How
  【原题再现1】 Unless you go along the river,you ______(迷路) in the forest. (2012·连云港)
  【答案解析】 unless 引导的是条件状语从句,主句用将来时,答案为will get lost / will lose your way。
  【原题再现2】 I asked her if she was ready to go,and she ______(nod). (2012·扬州)
  【答案解析】 根据前一句的时态,应该填nod的过去式nodded,注意双写最后一个辅音字母再加?鄄ed。
  【原题再现3】 The ______ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. (2012·无锡)
  A. 130?鄄minute B. 130?鄄minutes C. 130 minute D.130 minutes
  【答案解析】 本题考查数词作定语的用法。数词和名词间要用连字符号,并且名词要用单数形式,故选A。
  【原题再现4】 English is my favorite subject,and I am good ______ it. (2012·山东临沂)
  A. for B. to C. at D. of
  【答案解析】 本题考查介词的固定搭配,be good at 意为“擅长”,故选C。
  【原题再现5】 — Excuse me,Sir. But smoking is not allowed here.
  — Sorry,I didn?蒺t see the sign. I?蒺ll______ my cigarette at once. (2012·连云港)   A. put out B. put away C. put up D. put off
  【答案解析】 本题考查动词短语的辨别。put out熄灭;put away放好;put up张贴、举起;put off推迟。 根据句意应该选A。
  【原题再现6】 ______ nice the ice cream looks!I can?蒺t wait to taste it. (2012·淮安)
  A. How a B. How C. What a D. What
  【答案解析】 考查感叹句的用法。what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词或副词。nice是形容词,故选B。
  【原题再现7】 — ______ I try on those shoes in the window?
  — ______. They are just on show. (2012· 内蒙古呼和浩特)
  A. Could;Yes,you can B. Can;Sorry,you couldn?蒺t
  C. Could;Sorry,you can?蒺t D. Can;Yes,you could
  【答案解析】 本题考查情态动词的用法。could用来请求别人允许做某事,比can语气委婉,有礼貌。根据句意“鞋子正在展出(不能试穿)”,选C。
  【原题再现8】 Last year I ______ drive. I used to take the bus. (2012·江西)
  A. could B. couldn?蒺t C. should D. shouldn?蒺t
  【答案解析】 本题考查情态动词的用法。句中last year是过去时间,表示过去的“不会,不能”,用couldn?蒺t,故选B。
  【原题再现9】 — ______ I swim here?
  — I?蒺m sorry. Children ______ swim alone here. (2012·广东)
  A. Must;can?蒺t B. May;must C. Can;mustn?蒺t D. Can?蒺t;can
  【答案解析】 本题考查情态动词can请求允许的用法。句意为“—— 我能在这游泳吗?—— 对不起,小孩不可以独自在这里游泳”。故选C。
  一、 单项选择
  ( )1. — Is your brother still in ______ hospital?
  — No.He feels better now,but he has to stay in ______ bed for two days.
  A. 不填;不填 B. the;the C. the;a D. 不填;a
  ( )2. Kate is an ______ girl,but she can cook for herself.
  A. 11?鄄year?鄄old B. 11?鄄years?鄄old C. 11 years old D. 11 year old
  ( )3. — Little Eric stayed at home alone last night. — Really? How ______ he is!
  A. helpful B. brave C. rude D. surprised
  ( )4. ______ heavy the rain is!Let?蒺s stay at home.
  A. How B. What C. What a D. How a
  ( )5. — What did you find just now? — I saw a dog ______ along the river.
  A. is walking B. walks C. to walk D. walking
  ( )6. ______ careful when you cross the road.
  A. To be B. Be C. Being D. Are
  ( )7. — Bad luck!I poured some milk ______ my phone.
  — You must turn it off at once.
  A. for B. off C. over D. up
  ( )8. — ______ you swim,Eric?
  — Yes. I am a good swimmer. But I ______ swim until last year.
  A. Can;can?蒺t B. Can;couldn?蒺t C. Could;couldn?蒺t D. Can;could
  ( )9. — I?蒺m sorry I ______ my homework at home.
  — That?蒺s all right. Don?蒺t forget ______ it here this afternoon.
  A. forget;to take B. forget;to bring
  C. left;to take D. left;to bring
  ( )10. — Could I take the newspapers home?
  — ______. You must read them in the reading room.   A. No,you couldn?蒺t B. Sorry,you can?蒺t
  C. Of course you can D. I am afraid you needn?蒺t
  二、 词汇运用
  A. 根据句意和所给提示,写出单词。
  1. There is much ______[sm?藜uk] on the top of the building.
  2. Diana isn?蒺t ______[breIv]. She often feels afraid when she sees the dog.
  3. After class the students ______[r?蘧?蘩] to the dining hall to have lunch at the same time.
  4. — How much did you ______(付款) for your car? — About 100,000 yuan.
  5. All the people have different ______(能力).
  6. — Diaoyu Island is a ______(部分) of China.
  — Yes ,it?蒺s a fact,no one can change it.
  7. It rains heavily now. His clothes are all ______(湿的).
  8. We did not tell anyone about it,not ______(甚至) my mother.
  9. I often ______(送) my friends some cards before New Year?蒺s Day.
  10. Simon ______(伤害) his fingers when he was cooking in the kitchen.
  B. 根据句意,用括号中动词的正确形式填空。
  1. I ______(can not) swim when I was young.
  2. An old man ______(lose) his way yesterday.
  3. Thank you for ______(save) my little daughter from the fire.
  4. Students need ______(do) more reading,and it?蒺s good for us.
  5. We are looking forward to ______(see) you in the cinema tomorrow.
  三、 完形填空
  Do you want to be an excellent student? 1 you do,here are some steps you must take.
  When a teacher is giving a lesson,take 2 . If you don?蒺t understand something,put up your hand and 3 . You?蒺ll learn a lot by asking questions. Don?蒺t pass notes or talk to friends in class or you will miss 4 because of that.
  Do your homework carefully. Homework 5 you review(复习 ). You can find some questions
  6 you are doing the homework. This is also a(an) 7 part of your study. Remember,homework can also help you pick up good habits(习惯) of study.
  Bring everything you need with you to class,for example,books,pens,pencils and homework.
  8 things well. Keep a folder(文件夹) for each subject. Put your Maths papers in your 9 folder,put your history papers in your history folder,put your science papers in your science folder,etc.
  Start to 10 a little more. When you are reading more books,you are learning more words.
  ( )1. A. Do B. If C. Will D. And
  ( )2. A. notes B. reports C. a sleep D. a bath
  ( )3. A. answer B. leave C. ask D. cry
  ( )4. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
  ( )5. A. is B. stops C. helps D. begins   ( )6. A. when B. where C. why D. how
  ( )7. A. easy B. important C. difficult D. dangerous
  ( )8. A. Make B. Think C. Organize D. Give
  ( )9. A. science B. art C. Maths D. geography
  ( )10. A. listen B. play C. eat D. read
  四、 阅读理解
  How wonderful it would be if there was fire!Today is November 9. It?蒺s time for us to learn a lot more about fire,especially what to do if we are caught(着火) in a fire:
  1. Shout out. If you smell smoke or see fire,shout out “Fire”!Shout as loudly as you can,because people may be asleep.
  2. Call 119. Never try to put out the fire yourself,even if it is a very small one!Get help from your parents or call 119.
  3. Keep down close to the floor. If there is a lot of smoke in your room,keep down close to the floor.
  4. Test the door. Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool,open it carefully. If the door is hot,do not open it!Try to find a different way out.
  5. Get out. If you can,get out of your home as soon as possible.
  6. Don?蒺t use the lift. Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.
  7. Don?蒺t go back. Never go back into a burning building!
  ( )1. The passage is mainly about ______.
  A. how to look after yourself when on fire B. when to leave the burning place
  C. what to do when you are caught in a fire D. why to call 119 when it is on fire
  ( )2. When people are asleep,what will you do when fire happens?
  A. Call for help quickly. B. Wake your parents up fast.
  C. Shout out “Fire!” loudly. D. Run away fast.
  ( )3. Why shouldn?蒺t you use the lift when fire happens?
  A. Because taking the lift is so slow. B. Because the fire can burn you.
  C. Because the lift may keep you safe. D. Because the lift may not work.
  ( )4. When a fire is burning,you test the door to ______.
  A. find a better way out B. notice the fire clearly
  C. call for a much quicker help D. see it is closed
  ( )5. If you leave an expensive thing at home,you should ______.
  A. not go back B. keep down close to the floor
  C. not get out D. try your best to leave
  五、 书面表达
  你们学校要评选“助人为乐奖”(Helpful Student Award),你想向校长(Mrs Li)推荐你的朋友Tom,因为他一贯乐于助人,前不久还从大火中救了一个孩子。根据已经给出的开头和结尾,完成这封推荐信。
  要求:1. 条理清楚,语意连贯;2. 紧扣主题,适当发挥;3. 不少于70个词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
  Dear Mrs Li
  I would like to recommend(推荐)Tom for the Helpful Student Award. __________________   ______________________________________________________________________________
  I hope Tom will get this award. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  Yours faithfully
  一、 1—5 AABAD 6—10 BCBDB
  二、 A. 1. smoke 2. brave 3. rush 4. pay 5. abilities 6. part 7. wet 8. even 9. send 10. hurt
  B. 1. couldn?蒺t 2. lost 3. saving 4. to do 5. seeing
  三、 1—5 BACAC 6—10 ABCCD
  四、 1—5 CCDAA
  Dear Mrs Li
  I would like to recommend(推荐)Tom for the Helpful Student Award. He is a clever boy and he is very helpful. When we have problems,we can always ask him for help.
  Last week,when he was on his way home,he saw a building was on fire. A little girl was calling for help in the building. She was in great danger. Tom called 119 at once and tried his best to help her out. The girl?蒺s parents were very grateful to him. They said Tom was a brave boy.
  I hope Tom will get this award. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  Yours faithfully
  You are travelling in a desert. You have with you the following five animals:a cow,a horse,a lion,a monkey and a sheep.
  ★You don?蒺t have enough water for you and all your animals. If you run out of water,you and your animals will die in the desert. You have to leave one of the animals behind. Which animal do you want to leave behind?
  ★You have four animals with you now. The desert is as hot as a stove!Sand is everywhere. Your water is not enough. Now,if you want to get out,you have to leave another animal behind. Which one do you leave behind?
  ★You have three animals with you now. Walk,walk,walk... Hot,hot,hot... You come to an oasis(绿洲) finally,but it is dried up. You have to leave another animal behind. Which one do you leave behind?
  ★You only have two animals now. It?蒺s a long hot walk. You can see the edge(边缘)of the desert far in front of you. Unfortunately, you don?蒺t have enough water.
  ★You can only leave the desert with ONE animal. Which one do you leave behind?
  ★Congratulations!The two of you are out of the desert!
  Analysis:Each animal means a part of your life. The first animal you leave behind means the least important to you. The one you keep to the last means the most important to you.
  Lion — pride(尊严) Cow — basic needs(基本需要) Sheep — friendship(友谊)
  Monkey — family Horse — passion(激情)
  狮子—— 尊严 母牛—— 基本需要 绵羊—— 友谊
  猴子—— 家庭 马—— 激情
  Borrow trouble 庸人自扰
  Roy:Eric,you look a little sad. Are you worrying about anything?
  Eric:Yes. Tom and I are good friends. But we once broke up(关系破裂). I feel bad in those days. If that happens again,what should I do?
  Roy:You are borrowing trouble. You two are getting on well now,so why are you worrying about it?
天津:大学生培训见习就业创业有保障    在天津市十五届人大二次会上,政府工作报告提出,政府将改善民生作为工作的出发点和落脚点。其中,将实施更积极的就业政策,做到以项目扩大就业、以创业带動就业、以培训促进就业。    福建将新建50家省级高校毕业生就业见习基地    为破解高校毕业生就业难题,福建省目前已建立了58家省级高校毕业生就业见习基地,有6000余名毕业生获得见习机会。   据介绍,高校毕
教育部:始终把大学生就業  摆在突出重要位置    教育部在深入学习实践科学发展观活动中,始终把人民群众高度关心的高校毕业生就业工作摆在突出重要的位置,把积极促进大学生就业作为教育为人民服务、办人民满意教育的重要举措,坚决贯彻落实中央要求,以“非常时期、非常决心、非常举措”全力以赴促进高校毕业生就业。  教育部相关部门负责人介绍,教育部党组成立了由4名部领导任正副组长的高校毕业生就业工作领导小组;
1.气体压强产生的原因  和其他所有的物体一样,气体也是由大量的分子组成(分子间有空隙)的,分子在永不停息地做无规则运动(温度越高,分子的无规则运动越剧烈),分子间同时存在相互作用的引力和斥力.这是分子动理论中涉及的内容.让我们用它来解决这样一个问题:假设有一定质量的理想气体被密封在一个容器中,那么,由于分子的无规则运动,这些气体将会充满整个空间,表现为它的体积,同时,由于容器壁的密封阻隔,大量的
物体的惯性是有大小的,惯性的大小反映了物体运动状态改变的难易程度.物体惯性的大小只决定于物体质量的大小,与物体是否受力、受力大小、运动状态等因素都是无关的.质量越大的物体,惯性也就越大,它保持原来运动状态的本领就比较大,也就是说它的运动状态不容易被改变.因为物体的质量不会消失,所以物体的惯性也是不会消失的,当然也就不能说“物体的惯性由于受到力的作用而被克服或被消灭”.  惯性是一个比较抽象的概念,
背景知识  As the capital of China, Beijing is one of the world?蒺s truly imposing cities, with a 3,000-year history and 11 million people. Covering 16,808 square kilometers in area, it is the political, cu
■  1. welcome 动词,意为“欢迎、乐于接受”,后常跟人。  I?蒺m afraid they won?蒺t welcome visitors like you. 恐怕他们不欢迎像你这样的游客。  常见的You?蒺re welcome. 用于回答“Thank you.”,意为“不客气”。  【搭配】 welcome home欢迎回家,welcome to China欢迎到中国来  【拓展
■  1. share 及物动词,意为“合用、分享”。  It?蒺s reported two scientists will share this year?蒺s Nobel Prize for Medicine.  据报道,两名科学家将共同摘得今年的诺贝尔医学奖。  【搭配】 share sth. with sb. 意为“和某人分享某物”。例如:  The boy always shares
■  1. follow 动词,意为“跟随;仿效;理解”。  Sorry,I can?蒺t follow you. Please say it again. 抱歉,我没听懂你的话。请再说一遍。  Follow the guide,or you?蒺ll lose your way. 跟着导游,否则你会迷路的。  【联想】 following 接着的,下列的  It rained on the day
■  1. surprise 动词,意为“惊人、令人吃惊”。  What he does surprises everyone. 他所做的事令每个人吃惊。  【联想】 surprising 形容词,意为“令人吃惊的,惊讶的”,常用来修饰事物。  She has a surprising memory. 她记忆力惊人。  surprised形容词,意为“吃惊的,感到惊奇的”,常用来形容人。  She