
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanghn019
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  A research on national reading by Chinese Academy of Press and Publication shows that per capita e-book reading increased by 65.5% in 2012 and annual per capita reading reached 2.35 books. Mobile reading devices and platforms such as cellphones and tablet PCs have replaced PC reading and become important reading tools, but problems including fragmented reading and utilitarianism have also emerged as e-reading develops.
  Puzzles during e-times
  “The way to be a great man is to study, and the key to study is to read good books.” Reading has long been deemed as a lofty activity since ancient China. But with the arrival of e-times and ever-increasing pace of life, we have witnessed changes in our way of reading and welcomed the arrival of a diversified reading era.
  The reporter has learnt that compared with printing-books, the majority of today's youths prefer e-books. A young man named Wang Liang told the reporter: “I'm used to downloading latest on-line novels of great popularity to read because I have little time to go to a bookstore.”
  Young people with e-devices in hand can easily be spotted almost at all public places, indicating e-reading has become an irreversible trend. Another research shows that during the recent years, more and more people between 18 and 70 chose to read with a cellphone, and what they read are mostly entertainment content. The reporter also noticed that more and more people are immersed into happiness brought by fast-food and shallow reading. Therefore, reading is more of a leisure consumption than thought-provoking tool to them.
  A lot people share the same feelings, and Xiao Zhang, a young white-collar told the reporter: “I feel more than ever before that my life has been fragmented by the internet. Every day I will have a look at my social networking tools such as weibo and weichat several times, which often distract my attention and even benumb my thoughts; therefore, I could hardly stop to think deeply and concentratedly as I did before.”   “Indeed, today's faster pace of life and information acquisition have imposed a leavening influence on young people's reading habits,” said director Zhao from China Youth & Children Research Center, “Short-messages and extensive reading help enlarge our information amount; however, this shallow and fast reading mode prevents us, to some degree, from reading deeply and comprehensively.”
  Ms. Liu from a government department said that she was “addicted to weibo”: Every night when her baby falls asleep, she will sit and update weibo late into the night. She told the reporter: “Classical books do bring us lots deep insights and thoughts, but since we modern people are under much pressure, it's enough to get reading pleasures. As for the ideas, languages and writing techniques of a book, we just don't have the time to think about them.” The reporter noticed during the research that heavy working and living pressures make most of today's young people choose e-reading for entertainment, and bring about a trend of “Utilitarianism”. Students spent a large amount of time on extra-curricular exercises and test question analysis, hence gradually narrowing of visions. Likewise, it's the reason for office workers to read only “useful books”. Yang Yun, a worker from a foreign company told the reporter that she has been busy reading management publications including “Finance” and “Thick Black Theory”. “Under so much pressure, I have no choice but to read them for they can shed some light on my work,” Zeng Hong, a state-owned company worker also thought that way, “Compared with classics, I would rather pick up books about experiences of successful men and adapt them into my own job.”
  Apart from classical books, books of humanities and social sciences have also been “deserted” by young readers. According to Xiao Deng, a person in charge of Beijing Douban Bookstore which sells exclusively literature books, said: “Visitors to my bookstore are mostly middle or upper-middle aged people. Maybe the majority of young readers like reading e-books.”   被青年读者冷落的不止经典书籍,人文社科类图书也几近被“打入冷宫”。据专卖文学类书籍的北京豆瓣书店负责人小邓说:“来书店买书的大部分是中年以上的读者,青年读者来光顾的非常少,现在大部分青年都愿意看电子书。”
  Printing books versus e-books
  For Director Zhao from China Youth and Children Research Center, “Information waves fragmented youths' time for learning. Reading for use and consumption is a product of our times. Anyhow, reading is one's most fundamental condition for progress. Contradicted as the two aspects seem to be, they should be unified in the era of information exploding.” She holds that a life in real progress needs reading, and real reading should start from printing books. People who read only e-books “cannot become intellectuals with deep insights and independent thinking.”
  However, a young man Xiao Liu thinks another way, “I don't believe reading tools can affect our reading habit to a large extent. I often download literature materials and can get deep insights. Besides, it's much more convenient for I can read in my spare time like on a bus or when I wait for someone. Of course they are cheaper than printing books.”
  For him, several advantages of e-books are simply incomparable: first, printing books are space and money-consuming. They are heavy and cost natural resources. Second, it's easier to get an e-book through downloading. Third, full-text searches can only be applied to e-books. A white-collar Li Xiang told the reporter: “I can make full use of my spare time through e-reading.” He outlined his daily life: Every morning when he gets up, he is used to eating breakfast while reading SMS news. Then he will continue his reading on a crowded subway to his company. When he arrives at his office thirty minutes later, he will habitually log on QQ and MSN to communicate latest news with his friends. Besides, he uses weibo very often, which can let his friends learn about his latest activities. Li even uses his lunch time to browse latest news and participate in hot-issue discussions on major forums. In addition, he reads a lot of mystery and time-travel novels. He has made e-books his spare time companion, and he will have a look at them every night before he falls asleep.
  The above-mentioned description has become a common scene in the digital era, and Li Xiang is just one miniature of the many modern people who read with electrical devices. Communication tools such as cellphones, smart phones, Mp4s, game machines and tablet PCs, etc. were used only as mobile terminals for telephoning and texting messages in the past, but nowadays also as devices for e-reading, which caused changes in people's reading habits and lifestyle.   但青年小刘不这么认为,他告诉记者:“我并不觉得阅读介质会极大程度上影响我们的读书习惯,我经常会在网上下一些文学类的书看,也可以获得深入思考,而且还更方便,坐公交车、等人的间隙都可以看,还比纸质书便宜。”
  “But we have to admit that there`s a fatal weakness of e-books, which is their overreliance on devices and the internet.” said Xiao Zeng from Douban Bookstore. “Convenient as e-reading is, it exists almost always in small fragments of time. It's of no good for systematic absorption of knowledge for people who tend to forget what they have read through this way.”
  “Fragmented reading tends to throw people`s thoughts into stiffness and indifference. A reading mode like that, lacking deep dialogue and active thinking, loses the functions and significance originally bestowed on it.”
  Director Zhao said: “Today`s youths' being fond of this fast and fragmented read is attributed to their anxiety – their fear for missing any important information. But e-reading with hand-down information helps foment their anxiety as people have lost patience to think and become more utilitarian in book-selection.” In the interview, some youths said they would prefer printing books. “As for the several hundred Gs of e-books downloaded in my disk, few of them have been read from beginning to end. The biggest problem facing e-reading is that it may cause fickleness and distraction. Developed network and large amount of information may result in modern people's fickleness.”
  A bookstore always welcomes you even in e-times
  In a network age, e-journals and books have become people's new favorite, and brought us convenient, fast and interactive reading experiences of large amounts. On the other hand, the number of printing books is on the decline. Imagine you are reading a printing book diffusing the fragrance of ink, how will you feel?   There're intensive reading and extensive one, consumer-orientated reading and learner-orientated reading, and practical reading and reading for aesthetic purposes. Paper-reading is linear and continuous, which can make people conduct deep thinking, language appreciation and idea communication, hence hard working is needed; however, e-reading focuses on pleasant experiences, but it's a jumpy and fragmented read featuring a fast-food and random style. According to Director Zhao, “The feeling of serenity and tranquility brought by traditional reading cannot be achieved by speed-oriented e-reading. People need not only entertainment but also serious thinking, so in the future, e-books and printing books will coexist rather than compete in a zero-sum game.”
  As for reading experiences, different people have different reading purposes: some just want to get information, some for entertaining, others for spiritual pleasures and still others for arty purposes. E-reading brings people more and easy-to-get information in a faster speed; whereas the reading of printing books is more real and of cultural taste. Ms. Zeng, person in charge of the operation office of Beijing Sanlian Bookstore, said: “Two kinds of reading should be complementary; e-reading is suitable for materials of entertainment, information and news, as well as shallow knowledge; but when it comes to academic essays and classics, we'd better read printed books for patience and time are needed.”
  Two kinds of reading keep enriching people's life. The sign at the gate of Douban Bookstore reads: Reading is living. Owner of the store Xiao Deng said to the reporter, looking at the few youths in the store: “Although more and more young people become attached to new reading modes such as e-reading, they need to, during times of fast information acquisition, slow down their footsteps sometimes to think. We are looking forward to meeting more young people here.”
  Zhu Guangqian, a master of aesthetics, noted in the prelude of one of his books “On Beauty” that a road sign along a picturesque avenue in an Alpine valley reads: Please slow down to appreciate! Mr. Zhu exclaimed that many people's attitudes towards life and the world resemble going for a drive in the Alpine valley, flashing by without looking at the sceneries. How pitiful it is! Reading is like sightseeing; and good things, whether you want to have a deep research or just a rough taste, can only be found with slow motion.
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