
来源 :中国卫生工程学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的探讨某办公设备制造企业作业场所存在的职业病危害因素的情况,为用人单位预防控制职业病提供依据。方法对该企业2003-2013年职业病危害因素检测结果进行统计分析。结果用人单位职业病危害因素的合格率为76.67%,其中粉尘和毒物的合格率分别为95.67%和77.00%,物理因素的合格率为58.45%。化学有害因素的合格率(84.56%)高于物理因素合格率(58.45%)。其中甲醇、甲醛、噪声检测的合格率较低,分别是41.37%、31.58%和56.99%。结论该企业应进一步加强应急救援的管理,提高应对突发急性化学中毒的能力,同时提高防护设施的有效使用,督促个人防护用品的使用,加强职业健康监护,保障劳动者的合法权益。 Objective To explore the occupational hazards that exist in the workplace of an office equipment manufacturer and provide evidences for prevention and control of occupational diseases by employers. Methods The results of occupational hazards in this enterprise from 2003 to 2013 were statistically analyzed. Results The qualified rate of occupational hazards in employing units was 76.67%, of which the passing rates of dust and poison were 95.67% and 77.00%, respectively. The passing rate of physical factors was 58.45%. The passing rate of chemical harmful factors (84.56%) is higher than the passing rate of physical factors (58.45%). Among them, the passing rate of methanol, formaldehyde and noise was relatively low, which were 41.37%, 31.58% and 56.99% respectively. Conclusion The enterprise should further strengthen the management of emergency rescue and improve its ability to cope with unexpected acute chemical poisoning while improving the effective use of protective facilities, urging the use of personal protective equipment, strengthening occupational health monitoring and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of laborers.
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