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近代哲学把历史意识化的实质在于把历史性紧缩为现成性。这意味着存在者之根据要到意识中去寻找,认识论问题遂成哲学之显学。唯物史观与基础存在论对近代哲学的批判是决定性的,它们从根本上否定了其赖以安身立命的根基之何在——现成性及其根源即存在者根据问题,而达到了在历史中或在存在中理解事物的历史生存论境界,这就使近代直观的认识模式遭到了本质的驳斥。马克思与海德格尔的会通之处正在于此:他们均按照事物的首要而切近的存在方式来通达事物。现成性的终结与历史性的恢复由此成为可能。然而会通并不意味着相同。在存在者根据问题上,海德格尔就严重误读了唯物史观,“历史生产”被置于“辩证中介”之地位,与尼采的“强力意志”一起被视作形而上学的最后残余。对历史生产的重新解读可以有力地纠正海氏这一观点。 The essence of the historical consciousness in modern philosophy lies in the fact that historicity has been reduced to being ready-made. This means that the basis of the existence of those who want to find in the consciousness, epistemological issues became the philosophy of science. Historical materialism and basic ontology critique of modern philosophy is decisive, they fundamentally deny its resting place on what basis - ready-made and its root causes that exist according to the problem, and reached the historical or To understand the realm of historical existential existence in existence makes the modern intuitive mode of understanding be essentially refuted. Here is the meeting point between Marx and Heidegger: They are all in accordance with the first and the way things exist to reach things. The end of the ready-made and historic restoration thus made it possible. But meeting does not mean the same. Heidegger has seriously misread the historical materialism in the light of the existing problems, and “historical production” is placed in the position of “dialectical intermediary” and is considered to be together with Nietzsche’s “strong will” The last remnant of metaphysics. A reinterpretation of historical production can effectively correct Hai’s view.
本文译自美国北卡罗纳州大学paul V.Nelson教授于1978年编著的“Greenhouse Op-eration and Management”一书中的有关章节—Greenhouse Cooling。主要介绍温室水蒸发降温系
农村地区常有用地窖储藏农作物的习惯(如图)。由于植物的呼吸,地窖内会不断地积蓄 CO_2气体,浓度过高时将威胁到人的安全。为试探 CO_2 Rural areas often have a habit of
1.在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的第十五届亚运会,举行了隆重的火炬传递仪式。火炬燃烧的主要物质是丁烷(C_4H_(10)),下列对丁烷的说法中不正确 1. The 15th Asian Games held in