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2009年9月28日上午7时44分,首趟时速250公里的D3102次“和谐号”动车组徐徐驶离福州站台,标志着福建省结束了只有单线和低速铁路的历史,温福铁路正式开通。自此,每天有13对动车组往返于这条新线之上。据介绍,温福铁路于2004年12月动工建设,自浙江省温州市至福建省福州市,全长298.4公里,为铁道部、福建省和浙江省合资建设的国家I级双线电气化铁路,是我国《中长期铁路网规划》“四纵四横”主通道沿海客运专线的重要组成部分。温福铁路通车后,从福州出发到温州,将由目前的中转换乘15个小时缩短至约100分钟,福州至杭州由目前的9个半小时缩短至4个半小时,福州至上海由11个小时缩短至约6小时。该条铁路还将与甬台温铁路以及在建的福州至厦门铁路和厦门至深圳铁路共同形成一条长三角经闽通往珠三角的快速通道,让中国三大经济圈联系更趋紧密。11月中旬,本刊记者带着向往与憧憬踏上了海西的沃土。此行我们的任务是用眼睛观察福建,用心灵感受福建,在动车开行之后,这个“福地”是否也在涌动着新一轮的经济大提速?一周的时间里,我们跑遍了福州、泉州、石狮、厦门以及浙南温州地区的苍南等地,深入到数十家企业体验交流,切身感受到温福高铁带来的包括物质与心灵两方面的变化。 On September 28, 2009, at 7:44 am, the first 102102 km per hour of the No.102 “Harmony No.” EMU slowly left the station in Fuzhou, marking the end of Fujian’s history of only one-way and low-speed railways. Wenfu Railway officially opened. Since then, every day, 13 pairs of EMUs have been on the new line. According to reports, the Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway started construction in December 2004 from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province to Fuzhou, Fujian Province, a total length of 298.4 kilometers, the Ministry of Railways, Fujian and Zhejiang Province, a joint venture I-level two-lane electrified railway, It is an important part of China’s “long-term railway network planning”, “four vertical and four horizontal” main passenger line along the coast. After the Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway opened to traffic, starting from Fuzhou to Wenzhou, will be converted by the current conversion by 15 hours shortened to about 100 minutes from Fuzhou to Hangzhou from the current 9 and a half hours to 4 and a half hours, Fuzhou and Shanghai from 11 The hour is shortened to about 6 hours. The railway will also form a fast track linking the Yongtaiwen Railway, the Fuzhou-Xiamen Railway under construction and the Xiamen-Shenzhen Railway under construction to the Pearl River Delta via the Fujian and the three major economic circles in China. In mid-November, our correspondents embarked on the fertile land of Hercynian with longing and longing for vision. This trip our mission is to observe Fujian with our eyes and use our hearts to experience Fujian. After the opening of the motor car, whether this “blessed land” is also surging in a new round of economic growth? We have been running around for a week Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Shishi, Xiamen and Cangnan in the south of Wenzhou in southern Zhejiang and other places to conduct in-depth exchange of dozens of enterprises and experience the changes both in material and spiritual aspects brought by Wen-Fu High-Speed ​​Rail.
若是游玩山水名城重庆,有一道特殊的亮丽风景不可不看,那就是轻轨,在穿城凌空之中品味魅力重庆。在那半空之中,乘坐之人可以享受窗外阳光、俯瞰山城美景,尽收两江风陪、与林立高楼擦肩而过。没有堵塞,没有延误,只有方便快捷,岂不快哉。  对于豪爽的巴渝人家,向来桀骜不羁,直抒胸臆,若是有所不快,便是因为地利造成的交通不畅。勤劳勇敢的巴渝儿女,又岂能向地势不利低头?  “蜀道难,难于上青天。”山区的交通建设不
1851年英国伦敦万国工业产品博览会  其中展示了蒸汽机车。  会场内交通运输:包括火车、马车等。  1862年英国伦敦国际工业和艺术博览会  其中展示了克莱普顿生产的蒸汽机车。  1876年美国费城独立百年展览会  在会址建了一个火车站,还展示了单轨列车。  会场内交通:有一小段单轨列车运输,当时大出风头。后来单轨列车成为很多届世界博览会会场内交通运输工具之一。  1878年法国巴黎世界博览会 
The traits of cultured fish must continually be genetically improved to supply high-quality animal protein for human consumption.Economically important fish tra