Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Volcanic Rocks in the Yeba Formation on the Gangdise Magmatic Arc,

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xw54073601
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The Early Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Yeba Formation, situated between Lhasa, Dagzê and Maizhokunggar, composed of metabasalt, basaltic ignimbrite, dacite, silicic tuff and volcanic breccia, are an important volcanic suite for the study of the tectonic evolution of the Gangdise magmatic arc and the Mesozoic Tethys. Based on systematic field investigations, we carried out geochemical studies on representative rock samples. Major and trace element compositions were analyzed for these rock samples by XRF and ICP-MS respectively, and an isotope analysis of Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd was carried out by a MAT 262 mass spectrograph. The results show that the SiO_2 contents in lava rocks are 41 %-50.4 % and 64 %-69 %, belonging to calc-alkaline basalt and dacite. One notable feature of the basalt is its low TiO_2 content, 0.66 %-1.01 %, much lower than those of continental tholeiite. The ΣREE contents of basalt and dacite are 60.3-135 μg/g and 126.4-167.9 μg/g respectively. Both rocks have similar REE and other trace element characteristics, with enriched LREE and LILE relative to HREE and HFS, similar REE patterns without Eu anomaly. The basalts have depleted Ti, Ta and Nb and slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb*=0.54-1.17 averaging 0.84. The dacites have depleted P and Ti and also slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb*=0.74-1.06 averaging 0.86. Major and trace elemental and isotopic studies suggest that both basalt and dacite originated from the partial melting of the mantle wedge at different degrees above the subduction zone. The spinal lherzolite in the upper mantle is likely to be their source rocks, which might have been affected by the selective metasomatism of fluids with crustal geochemistry. The LILE contents of both rocks were affected by metamorphism at later stages. The Yeba bimodal volcanic rocks formed in a temporal extensional situation in a mature island arc resulting from the Indosinian Gangdise magmatic arc. The Early Jurassic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Yeba Formation, situated between Lhasa, Dagzê and Maizhokunggar, composed of metabasalt, basaltic ignimbrite, dacite, silicic tuff and volcanic breccia, are an important volcanic suite for the study of the tectonic evolution of the Gangdise magmatic arc and the Mesozoic Tethys. Based on systematic field investigations, we carried out geochemical studies on representative rock samples. Major and trace element compositions were analyzed for these rock samples by XRF and ICP-MS respectively, and an isotope analysis of Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd was carried out by a MAT 262 mass spectrograph. The results show that the SiO 2 contents in lava rocks are 41% -50.4% and 64% -69%, belonging to calc-alkaline basalt and dacite. One not feature feature of the The basalt is its low TiO 2 content, 0.66% -1.01%, much lower than those of continental tholeiite. The ΣREE contents of basalt and dacite are 60.3-135 μg / g and 126.4-167.9 μg / g respectively. Both rocks have similar REE and other trace element characteristics, with enriched LREE and LILE relative to HREE and HFS, similar REE patterns without Eu anomaly. The basalts have depleted Ti, Ta and Nb and slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb * = 0.54-1.17 averaging 0.84. The dacites have depleted P and Ti and also slightly negative Nb and Ta anomalies, with Nb * = 0.74-1.06 averaging 0.86. Major and trace elemental and isotopic studies suggest that both basalt and dacite originated from the partial melting of the mantle wedge at different degrees above the subduction zone. The LILE contents of both mantle is likely to be their source rocks, which might have been affected by the selective metasomatism of fluids with crustal geochemistry. The LILE contents of both rocks were affected by metamorphism at later stages. The Yeba bimodal volcanic rocks formed in a temporal extensional situation in a mature island arc resulting from the Indosinian Gangdise magmatic arc.
患者男,61岁.因腹痛伴暗红色脓血便20 d,近2 d腹胀、无排气入院.入院查体:腹部明显膨隆,无明显肌紧张,全腹有轻度压痛和反跳痛,未触及肿块,移动性浊音阴性,可闻及肠鸣音.腹部X线立位平片示多个较大气液平面.患者于20年前曾有类似病史,持续十余日,当时曾排出一5 cm×5 cm×5 cm大小的肿块(肉眼看似肉块)后,上述症状消失.入院后初步诊断结肠癌.行剖腹探查,发现腹腔有少量渗液,降结肠以上
【摘要】UG(Unigraphics NX)软件是技工学校数控模具专业的核心课程,对学生职业能力培养和职业素养养成起到重要的支撑作用,对促进学生就业和发展具有重要的意义。笔者针对当前技校学生的特点,就如何提高UG软件教学质量,从如何激发学生学习兴趣、实例教学、分层教学以及小组学习四个方面进行了论述。  【关键词】UG 实例教学 分层教学 小组学习  【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号
患者男、汉族,43岁.反复上腹部疼痛5个月.B超示胆囊内多个强回声光团及一个30 mm×23 mm的中低回声占位灶,提示为慢性胆囊炎,胆囊多发结石并胆囊后壁巨大实性占位.CT示:胆囊内见多发结节病灶,最大者为27 mm×29 mm,另见数个结石影.考虑胆囊癌合并结石,并胰周淋巴结转移(图1).临床诊断:胆囊癌.术中见胆囊底部有一30 mm×25 mm大小的肿块,探查发现肝门及胰头多处有肿大的淋巴结
Jiyang Depression, located in the southeast Bohai Bay Basin, has the geomorpho-logic framework of multiple uplifts intervening with sags. Combined the abundant
摘 要:本文分析了企业参与现代学徒制人才培养模式的积极性不高的原因,并结合实际,对在现代学徒制中如何提高企业积极性进行了探讨。  关键词:现代学徒制;现状;措施  在国际上最早提出现代学徒制的时间是20世纪80年代,并于20世纪90年代在美国、德国等国家陆续实施。2011年我国提出了现代学徒制。2015年8月,国内165所院校被教育部列为首批现代学徒制试点单位,从地方政府、企业和职业院校三方面开展