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  Long before Veronica Mars注 started 1)snooping around Neptune, California, a crime-fighting heroine named Nancy Drew was solving mysteries in River Heights.
  Small Town Girl
  Nancy Drew is not your average teenager. Growing up in the small town of River Heights, Nancy has become a local 2)celebrity for her crime-solving skills. While most kids are downloading music and 3)hanging out at the skate park, Nancy prefers to sew her own clothes and 4)track 5)petty criminals. When Nancy’s dad gets a job in L.A., she promises to give up her 6)sleuthing and attempt to just be a normal teen. But old habits die hard, and there’s always a mystery around every corner ?this time a 25 year-old murder mystery that’s just dying to be solved!
  The Ghost of Dehlia Draycott
  Nancy’s dad lets her pick the house they’ll live in while staying in L.A., so she picks the 7)haunted house of long-dead movie star Dehlia Draycott. Within the first night, Nancy hears strange noises in the 8)attic, comes face to face with the 9)creepy 10)caretaker and 11)stumbles across some serious clues. At first, she tries to 12)ignore the mystery and settle into her new school, but it becomes quickly apparent that she’s not like the other girls. So, she sets out to solve the case. Road 13)blocks, 14)robberies and death threats are 15)encountered along the way, but nothing can bring down Nancy Drew.
  Old-School 16)Atmosphere
  Taking from the 17)ambiance of the 18)original book series, Nancy Drew is a 19)prim and proper girl who has a love of things from the 1950s ?from her hand-made outfits to her blue 20)roadster. Because of this, Nancy doesn’t really fit in to the modern world around her, but it makes for an original take on what it feels like to be an outsider.
  21)Bottom Line
  Nancy Drew is smart, 22)sassy and isn’t afraid to dig deep to solve mysteries. The mystery in this movie isn’t very complicated, but there are enough 23)twists and turns to keep you interested. By the time you walk out of the theater, you will hopefully take with you an important life lesson ?while not everyone is popular, we can all attract like-minded friends if we just stay true to who we are.

While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about – the kind that 1)sneaks up on you unexpectedly
除了煮方便面,现在城市里的年轻人会做饭的估计没几个。但苏格兰小伙子  弗雷泽·多尔蒂显然与一般年轻人不同。14岁那年,祖母教会他做果酱,一个果酱  王国随之诞生。  一开始,弗雷泽只是把果酱卖给邻居和附近的农场。经过不断的研究,他发展出一套制作纯天然果酱的方法。弗雷泽随后着手打造自己的品牌,不断完善果酱配方,终于成功让其果酱在英国大型超市上架,成为年轻的企业家。他现在的目标是拓展海外市场,让更多人
Please tell me one more time  That I’m not dreaming  I’ll paint clouds with sunshine  Oh that’s my feeling  Could it be forever  It’s a night I will remember  Together we’re stronger than alone    Bab
Raindrops are falling on my head  And just like the guy who’s feet are too big for his bed  Nothing seems to fit  Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling    So I just did me some tal
《别让我走》讲述了三个在寄宿学校一起长大的伙伴过着与世隔绝的生活。直到有一天,他们发现自己原来是克隆人,而存在的唯一目的就是为别人提供移植器官。听起来是否似曾相识?没错,这剧情跟2005年的《逃出克隆岛》(The Island)如出一辙,所以很多人把它称为后者的文艺版。从预告片可以看出,这部改编自石黑一雄  同名小说的电影绝对不是卖弄特技的科幻片,而是一部刻画人性的细腻之作。本片清一色的英国演员阵
Cast  Blake Lively...Serena van der Woodsen  Leighton Meester...Blair Waldorf  Penn Badgley...Dan Humphrey  Chace Crawford...Nate Archibald  Taylor Momsen...Jenny Humphrey  Ed Westwick...Chuck Bass  K
它们也许很迷人——甚至很可爱——但有些动物似乎天生就与我们人类“有仇”,无论它们自己是否意识到这一点。在它们踏入人类领地时,麻烦接踵而来,所到之处往往一片狼藉。究竟是哪些动物给我们带来如此厉害而又让人头痛的“Trick or Treat”呢?    Elephant Seal 海象  They say love is blind, and perhaps no animal is “blinder
刚过完中秋节,又将迎来两大日子:国庆和CT宝宝七岁生日!CT踏入第七年,开始“痒”啦,于是在更改栏目之余推出一系列活动(详情见卷首语及61页),同学们记得好好把握机会哦!小编也趁机带来一篇生日文章,在这个普天同庆的十月里,生日庆祝也要有点新意哦!    How Should We Celebrate Our Birthday?  It is good to be thankful for what
Imagine a Braille[盲文] of the physical world. A team of final-year engineering students from Cambridge University have developed a business plan for Vision Mitt, a glove-based mobility[移动] aid for blin
从8月27日到9月1日,大热美剧《英雄》世界巡回活动踏足东京、巴黎、香港、伦敦等城市,为第一季DVD及第二季首播进行宣传。在电视观众因为网络等新媒体分流而大量流失的情况下,新一季《英雄》能否克服困难,再创辉煌?—让我们一起拭目以待9月24日的第一集吧!(关于《英雄》的剧情简介,请参考CE: Teens 07年1月号)    Before its launch, Heroes didn’t soun