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  Imagine a Braille[盲文] of the physical world. A team of final-year engineering students from Cambridge University have developed a business plan for Vision Mitt, a glove-based mobility[移动] aid for blind and visually impaired[受损] people.
  Their Vision Mitt combines existing technology and new software to enable the user to 襰ense?their surroundings using ultrasonic[超声波] sensors[传感器] and vibration[振动] feedback actuators[发动器], to supplement[补充] existing mobility aids like guide dogs or sticks.
  The team wanted to produce something of social benefit, and drew inspiration[灵感] from the sonar[声纳] techniques used by bats to navigate without sight. Team member Samaan Rahman describes the concept as “a glove which houses ultrasonic sensors mounted on[将某物置于] the back, similar to parking sensors, where the closer you get to an object the quicker and louder the series of beeps[哔哔声]. Instead of beeps, we use vibrating motors[发动器] similar to those on a mobile phone. The closer your hand is to the object, the higher the frequency[频率] of vibrations.”
  Incorporating[结合] the technology into a glove has proven popular with their users. They like the fact that it frees your hands for other tasks, appears inconspicuous[不显眼的], and is cheaper than other electronic navigation products.
  For now, the students are concentrating on finishing their degrees, but investors are lining up to help put the Vision Mitt on the right hands.
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除了煮方便面,现在城市里的年轻人会做饭的估计没几个。但苏格兰小伙子  弗雷泽·多尔蒂显然与一般年轻人不同。14岁那年,祖母教会他做果酱,一个果酱  王国随之诞生。  一开始,弗雷泽只是把果酱卖给邻居和附近的农场。经过不断的研究,他发展出一套制作纯天然果酱的方法。弗雷泽随后着手打造自己的品牌,不断完善果酱配方,终于成功让其果酱在英国大型超市上架,成为年轻的企业家。他现在的目标是拓展海外市场,让更多人
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