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伊丽莎白·R·布拉姆韦尔,55岁,任布拉姆韦尔资本管理公司总裁,经管资金为3.4亿美元。一笔损失上所取得的傲训:“海湾战争爆发时,我没有把资金都投在股票上,”布拉姆韦尔回忆说,“当这场战争并非持久战这一点在24小时内明朗化时,股票行情上扬了。此时,我想把其余的资金都投入这个市场,但我的动作不够快。”经验促使布拉姆韦尔继续全额投资。她说,这笔投入在“头3个月出现的上涨行情中,估计赚取了75%的利润。” Elizabeth R. Bramwell, 55, served as president of Bramwell Capital Management and had $ 340 million in managing funds. A loss on the loss of training: “When the Gulf War broke out, I did not put all the money on the stock, ” Bramwell recalled, “When the war is not a protracted war this is 24 When the hour became clear, stock prices rose. At this point, I would like to put the rest of the money into this market, but my actions are not fast enough.” “Experience prompted Bramwell to continue investing in full. She said that the investment was ”in the first three months of the upswing and it was estimated that he would earn 75% of profits."
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