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  Some would say she must have born under a lucky star. Falling off her chair during the 1)audition, Anne Hathaway caught the director’s attention and got the part of Mia in The Princess Diaries (2001). Suddenly, the New Jersey girl found herself praised by critics who compared her to Audrey Hepburn and Julia Roberts.
  But Hathaway’s story is about more than just being lucky. She became involved in the theater at a young age. Even with a talent for acting, Hathaway worked really hard in serveral TV series before her breakthrough in The Princess Diaries. Though the success of the movie opened a number of doors for her, she chose the one that led to Vassar College, following 2)Julie Andrews’ suggestion: go to college, keep your standards, and stay out of the Hollywood scene.
  With Hathaway, Hollywood shows that it can still bring us some good girls. It’s not that the Hollywood princess never has problems. Despite her sweet and 3)down-to-earth image, Hathaway says she has behaved badly in the past.
   “You know, Lindsay [Lohan] and I have a lot more in common than people think,” she says in an interview. “We’ve all done things we shouldn’t,
  it’s just I did stuff at college, when nobody knew about it, so I’m not a saint.”
  The 25-year-old says she has 4)gone through the hard-partying 5)phase, as well as the problem of anxiety and depression. “I wasted time doing self-destructive things but it didn’t work. I got all that out of my system and now I’m healthy and6)grounded.”
  Rediscovering Jane Austen
  From The Princess Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada (2006) to Becoming Jane (2007), a face that had been mostly 7)anonymous became celebrated in movie
  theaters across the globe.
  Though critics are not satisfied with the re-creation of Jane Austen’s life story, most believe Anne Hathaway brings no shame on herself in her latest movie. Among so many 8)exquisite talents, she holds the camera and is the focal point of the movie.The actress says her favorite Austen novel is Persuasion, which becomes even more 9)poignant as time goes on.
   “I think Jane Austen is timeless because 10)wit never goes out of style. And she’s very fun to go back to in your life. Once you fall in love with Jane Austen and you go back to the books, you find that they become more true as you grow older, as you mature, as you go through different parts of your life. She’s heaven. She’s

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相信很多人都曾在吃饭时被母亲唠叨:“慢点吃!”你不一定试过毫无节制地暴饮暴食,争当“大胃王”,却肯定曾为身材和健康忧心。无论吃多吃少,最重要的是吃得健康,因为有些事情还是不能随意效仿的哦!以下就是一例:  听力小提示:本文为原声材料,其中女声部分带有口音,语句亦有不符合规范的用法。适用于训练听力,但不适宜模仿。    Eat slowly! Chew your food thoroughly! E