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  十五岁的贝齐·库尔(Beckii Cruel)原名
  丽贝卡·弗林特(Rebecca Flint),原本只是一个生活在英属马恩岛的平凡少女。和其他女孩不同的是她十分热衷日本文化和动漫。她把自拍的舞蹈视频上传到视频分享网站Youtube,没想到迷倒无数日本宅男,从此一炮而红。她是Youtube日本栏目里被评论最多的用户,而她的Youtube账号访问量已达550万次。(怎么这么像当年在中国网络爆红、并有无数模仿者的“红老外”?呵呵~~)
  网上走红以后,她接受日本公司的邀请到日本发展,如今在日本拥有超高的知名度。她的走红也引起了英国广播公司(BBC)的注意,BBC 3台在今年8月播出了有关贝齐的纪录片——《贝齐:14岁的少女明星》(Beckii: Schoolgirl Superstar at 14)。
  It All Started When…
  A couple of years ago, I became really interested in Japan through manga and anime cartoons. The music is quite unique, and I was soon learning dances from the cartoons, and like lots of other fans, posted them on Youtube. One of the dances, Danjo注1, went on to get well over two million hits. Before long, completely
  unexpectedly, I had several agencies and producers
  asking me to come to Japan and perform.
  I think part of the reason why this happened was that I was a Western girl who was so interested in
  Japanese culture. Also, I do look a bit like one of their
  cartoon characters. I have quite a slender[细长的] face and big eyes, and for the people that follow manga and anime, it was like one of the characters had come alive. People in the West find that really odd and hard to understand, but the Japanese are really visual people, and for them it was really exciting.
  The thought of going to Japan was quite
  daunting[使人畏缩的], but my mum, dad and me were able to look at all the proposals. Mum and Dad, along with my Japanese manager, were really careful at making sure things remained really balanced, and that the two lives I was about to start leading would be able to be kept a bit separate.
  I’ve now been to Japan seven times. I’ve opened films at the Cannes Film Festival and been to Monaco for the World Music Awards Party. I’ve modelled at one of the world’s biggest fashion shows, and I’m recording with Tom Nichols, who has produced Kylie Minogue注2, and have just got to do things that teenage girls dream of
  doing. I do love it and know I am so lucky to have had the chance to experience those things.
  The most amazing thing is all the emails and
  fanmails I get from people my age saying I have inspired them! If that’s true, then that’s amazing, and something I would love to keep on doing.
  I know it all sounds glamorous[富有魅力的], but it is
  harder work than people think. I was away at the
  weekend for a family wedding, and we were in a
  restaurant and the waitress recognised me and was
  really nice. But it was one of those moments that you
  realise that you are in the public eye all the time and can’t really let your guard down.
  The Fame Game
  We get dozens of emails every week asking for
  advice on how to become famous. The truth is that I can’t tell them; it just happened for me. I didn’t go looking for it, and in lots of ways, they shouldn’t either.
  Just be happy at trying the very best you can at what you do, and if the opportunities come your way, be sure to take them. But make sure that you get good advice, and just be really, really careful. There are lots of people out there who will take advantage, and I am glad I have had my mum and dad to look after me so well.
  I think the most important thing to do if you do reach really big stardom is to make sure you do something
  positive with it. I would hope that if things ever do become
  that big for me, I will remember to do something special.
  As for more normal stuff, I am still studying hard right now, and that is really important. I love
  languages; maybe I will study them. The past year, though, I have become a lot more interested in the fashion side of the pop business. I study textiles[纺织品]
  at school, so I might look for a way to combine the two.
  Like many people of my age, I love Eminem注3. His music is so deep and has a lot of meaning, and it’s a nice change from other pop music. I also listen to more obscure[不引人注意的] online artists like Alex Day, who is based on Youtube and writes his own material.
  This year has been really different for us at home because we haven’t really had a family holiday. Every time I have been off school, Mum or Dad have been jumping on a plane with me to somewhere. So that has been quite hard.
  My friends have been really brilliant, though. They have had little parts to play when I have been filming here on the island, which has been fun, and they are just so supportive. They are the best.
  My motto is to live life with no regrets – I can’t change it anyway, so why should I think about how it could have been. I’m very thankful for what I’ve had, and I feel I have only improved from any mistakes I’ve made. I love my two lives and wouldn’t change them for anything!
  几年前,透过动漫作品,我对日本产生了浓厚的兴趣。他们的音乐很特别,于是不久后我开始学跳动画里的舞蹈。和众多粉丝一样,我将视频发布到 Youtube网上。其中一支舞蹈——《男女》的累计点击率超过两百万。没过多久,几家经纪人公司和一些制作人叫我到日本表演,这让我始料不及。
It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart  Without saying a word you can light up the dark  Try as I may I could never explain  What I hear when you don’t say a thing    *The smile on your face
Let it go  Let it roll right off your shoulder  Don’t you know   The hardest part is over  Let it in  Let your clarity[清晰] define you  In the end   We will only just remember how it feels    *Our live
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