前不久,国家计委下发了《关于提高国产农膜料出厂价格的通知》,内容如下: 一、将国产农膜料的价格形式由国家规定中准出厂价格和浮动幅度改为国家统一规定出厂价格,并适当提高农膜料的出厂价格,具体价格见附表。生产企业必须严格执行国家规定的价格,不得以任何名义在国家规定的价格之外加收任何费用。
Not long ago, the State Development Planning Commission issued the “Circular on Raising the Ex-factory Prices of Domestic Agricultural Membrane Materials”, which reads as follows: 1. The price form of domestic agricultural film materials shall be changed from the State’s stipulated ex-factory price and fluctuation range to the national unified regulations. The ex-factory price, and appropriate increase in the ex-factory prices of agricultural film materials, see the attached table for specific prices. Production enterprises must strictly implement the prices stipulated by the state, and must not incur any fees in any name other than those stipulated by the state.