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向铝中添加锂既能降低合金的密度,又能提高弹性模量,因此铝-锂合金是-种性能比较理想的航空结构材料。美国、西欧国家和苏联积极发展铝-锂合金。铝-锂合金的研究历史已经很久了,早在20年代初期联邦德国就出售过铝-锂合金产品。1957年美国铝业公司第一个研制了添加1.2%Li的Al-Cu-Li系2020合金。2020合金与高强铝合金7075相比,强度相当,密度低、刚度高(分别降低3%和提高8%),1958年以后美国海军用该合金作Navy RA-5C侦察机主翼的上下蒙皮,代替7075合金,使该部分材料的重量减轻6%。但由于2020合金的韧性低,特别是缺口敏感性高,在生产工艺中还存在一些问题,所以1966年以后在飞机上没有被采用,1969年便停止了生产。60年代苏联也研制了类似2020合金的低密度、高刚度BA23合金及Al-Mg-Li系1420合金。我国对铝-锂系合金的研究起步比较晚,60年代研制了S141合金,对合金成分、加工工艺及热处理制度作了详细的研究,1985年进行了技术鉴定。作为现在研究目标的低密度、高刚度合金,要求此以前合金的密度低7%以上。因此,锂的添加量要比2020合金的1.2%多,必须添加2~3%。在解决熔铸和加工工艺方面问题的同时,必须提高韧性。 The addition of lithium to aluminum both reduces the density of the alloy and increases the modulus of elasticity. Therefore, the aluminum-lithium alloy is an aeronautical structural material with good performance. The United States, Western European countries and the Soviet Union are actively developing aluminum-lithium alloys. The history of aluminum-lithium alloys has been around for a long time. Aluminum-lithium alloy products were sold in the Federal Republic of Germany as early as the early 1920s. In 1957, Alcoa developed the first Al-Cu-Li series 2020 alloy with 1.2% Li. Compared with the high-strength aluminum alloy 7075, the 2020 alloy has the same strength, low density and high rigidity (3% and 8% respectively). After 1958, the U.S. Navy used this alloy as the upper and lower skin of the main wing of the Navy RA- Instead of 7075 alloy, this part of the material to reduce the weight of 6%. However, due to the low toughness of 2020 alloy, especially the gap sensitivity, there are still some problems in the production process, so after 1966 was not used on the plane, in 1969 they stopped production. In the 1960s, the Soviet Union also developed low density, high stiffness BA23 alloy and Al-Mg-Li system 1420 alloy similar to 2020 alloy. In our country, the study of aluminum-lithium alloy started relatively late. In the 1960s, S141 alloy was developed. The alloy composition, processing technology and heat treatment system were studied in detail. In 1985, the technology was identified. The low-density, high-stiffness alloys that are the subject of current research require that the density of the previous alloys be lower than 7%. Therefore, the addition of lithium is more than 1.2% of the alloy 2020, and 2% to 3% must be added. In solving the casting and processing problems at the same time, we must improve the toughness.
轴承分为滚动轴承和滑动轴承两大类。在滑动轴承中又有功压轴承,静压轴承、挤压膜轴承和动静压轴承等等。下面介绍动静压轴承的结构原理、特点和应用情况。 Bearing is div
《故训汇纂》是一部全面系统地汇辑先秦至晚清古籍文献中故训资料的大型语文辞书。它内容丰富,资料全面,检索也很方便,对于汉语研究极具参考价值。然而由于资料多杂,难免出现失误。笔者在使用过程中检到书证讹误一例,现说明于下,并作校正。  《故训汇纂·心部》781页,“怏”字下第十一个义项“怏,喜也”,并引书证作“《文选·嵇康〈与山巨源绝交书〉》‘野人有怏炙背而美芹子者。’张铣注。”  细查书证,“怏炙背”
通过引入应变硬化变量,对Burgers模型中串联粘壶进行了改进,并将改进模型看成是由Van Der Poel模型与改进粘壶串联组成.采用半正矢波间歇荷载模拟实际轮载作用,综合运用流变
日本 Nisshin 钢公司在研究了各种定氧探头的固体电解质、参比电极和熔池电极后,研制出一种新的定氧探头。它可在几个ppm 至1000ppm 的范围内精确测量钢液中的氧活度。传统