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自然与地理虽是两门不同学科,但具有紧密的内在联系。弄清它们之间的联系,有助于准确掌握自然教学的重点和难点,有助于恰当把握自然教学的深度和广度,有助于小学自然教学与小学地理教学的相互渗透,有助于使小学自然教学与中学地理教学有机地衔接起来。 一、小学自然与中学地理的纵向联系 从内容上分析,自然教材涉及到了中学地理宇宙、大气、地球构造、土壤、环境、水和能源等的部分,知识面较宽。因此,小学自然的部分知识就是中学地理的基础。但是,自然并没有把涉及到的地理知识作全面阐述和深入研究,只是“点到为止”即对许多具体问题的 Although nature and geography are two different disciplines, they have close internal relations. Understanding the relationship between them helps to accurately grasp the key and difficult aspects of natural teaching, helps to properly grasp the depth and breadth of natural teaching, and helps to infiltrate primary school geography teaching and primary school geography teaching, and helps to make The natural teaching of primary schools is organically linked with the geography teaching in middle schools. I. The vertical relationship between natural and middle school geography in elementary school From the content analysis, the natural textbooks involve the middle school geographical universe, the atmosphere, the earth structure, soil, environment, water and energy, and the knowledge is broad. Therefore, part of the natural knowledge of primary school is the basis of high school geography. However, it is natural that there is no comprehensive elaboration and in-depth study of the geography knowledge involved. It is only “points to the end” that is to say for many specific issues.
国家教委最近向全国推荐了语文出版社新编职业高中语文教材。这套职业高中语文教材,具有以下特点: The State Education Commission has recently recommended to the natio
26个英语字母,人人能背,个个会写,大家都知晓它们是英语组词的工具和最小单位.其实,英语字母的功用远非如此. 首先,英语字母通常用来代替各种单词和词组,充当它们约定俗成的
李荫华主编的《大学英语》第四册第一单元课文中有一句话:Some are whole magazine sections(L.40),课文后面的注解说,此句等于Some are like magazines in size.(Note 3,P8
今年研究生英语试题第Ⅲ大题是Cloze Test,共有15小题(序号46-60),测试内容为词汇.其中形容词4题(26.7%),动词4题(26.7%),名词2题(13%),介词2题(13%),连接词语3题(20%).统观
高等学校试用教材《英语》(上海交通大学主编,工科各专业通用类)第三册第十课课文中有这样一个句子: And there, glowing with faint blue light in the glass test tubes o