
来源 :环境昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangshuanghong2009
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利用Y型嗅觉仪和四臂嗅觉仪,测定了长头谷盗Latheticus oryzae(Waterhouse)对6种寄主谷粉的行为趋性反应,采用固相微萃取和气质联用(GC-MS)分析了其中3种寄主挥发物组分和含量,并测定长头谷盗对其中7种挥发物单体标样在5个浓度下的行为学反应,以期明确谷物挥发物在长头谷盗寄主定向行为中所起的作用。结果显示,6种寄主挥发物对长头谷盗雌雄成虫均具有显著的引诱作用,且雌雄个体间差异不显著;6种寄主之间分组比较时,长头谷盗的引诱强弱均显著的表现为全麦粉>黄豆粉>玉米粉>荞麦粉>小米粉>高粱粉。选择全麦粉、黄豆粉和玉米粉进行分析时,3种寄主挥发物具有不同的化学图谱,且挥发物的相对含量差异较大,黄豆粉挥发物总量大于全麦粉和玉米粉;从组分来看,全麦粉挥发物中主要为烯醛类(37.46%),黄豆粉挥发物中主要为醇类(45.24%)和醛类(27.06%),玉米粉挥发物种主要为烷烃类(39.58%)。7种寄主挥发物标样(100~1600μL/mL)中,除甲酸正己酯、二十烷和正十四烷对长头谷盗始终具有引诱作用外,正己醇、正己醛和反式-2,4-癸二烯醛分别在200~800、400~800和400~800μL/mL时,才具有引诱作用;而反式-2-癸烯醛在高浓度(1600μL/mL)下对长头谷盗具有趋避作用。综合分析表明,挥发性物质在长头谷盗对不同寄主谷粉的选择时具有重要的行为导向作用,且挥发性化合物的组成及浓度影响其引诱效果。 Using Y-type olfactometer and four-arm olfactometer, the behavior of Latheticus oryzae (Waterhouse) against six kinds of host grain was determined. Solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Among which, the components and contents of volatile compounds in three kinds of host plants were determined, and the behavioral responses of the long-range guinea pigs to five kinds of volatile monomer standards at five concentrations were determined in order to clarify the directional behavior of the grain volatiles in the host In the role. The results showed that the six kinds of host volatiles had significant attraction to both male and female adults, and there was no significant difference between male and female individuals. When the six hosts were grouped, The performance of whole wheat flour> soybean meal> corn flour> buckwheat flour> millet flour> sorghum flour. When choosing whole wheat flour, soybean flour and corn flour for analysis, the three kinds of host volatile compounds have different chemical profiles, and the relative content of volatiles is quite different. The total volatile matters of soybean flour is larger than that of whole wheat flour and corn flour. The main volatiles of whole wheat flour were mainly enaldehydes (37.46%), the main volatiles of soybean flour were alcohols (45.24%) and aldehydes (27.06%), the volatile species of corn flour were mainly alkanes (39.58% ). Among the seven host volatile standard samples (100 ~ 1600μL / mL), n-hexanol, n-hexanal and trans-2, 4-decadienal was attractive at 200-800, 400-800 and 400-800 μL / mL, respectively. Trans-2-decen aldehyde showed no significant inhibitory effect on long-tailed Valley at high concentration (1600 μL / mL) Pirates have a role to evade. Comprehensive analysis showed that volatiles had an important behavioral guiding role in the selection of different hosts for grain volatiles, and the composition and concentration of volatile compounds affected their attractiveness.
菠萝粉蚧Dysmicoccus brevipes(Cockerell)和新菠萝灰粉蚧Dysmicoccus neobrevipes(Beardsley)是菠萝等热带水果上的重要害虫,均属我国进出境水果贸易中需要检疫处理的对象。
目的:通过体外、体内实验观察不同浓度紫花地丁水浸出物对HBV的影响。 方法:(1)体外实验采用HBV DNA转染的HepG2.2.15细胞,加入不同浓度紫花地丁水浸出物和3TC,作用3、6、9d,通
目的:探讨巢式PCR、原位杂交、免疫组化等多种技术在病理诊断为结核、可疑结核和结核样改变组织中的应用价值,为结核及其相关病变的诊断和鉴别诊断提供依据。 材料与方法:收