Application of H~∞ control in rudder/flap vector robust control of a ship's course

来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanrong
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Given the uncertainty of parameters and the random nature of disturbances that effect a ships course, a robust course controller should be designed on the basis of rudder/flap vector control. This paper analyzes system uncertainty, and the choice of weighting functions is also discussed. When sea waves operate on a ship, the energy-concentrating frequency varies with the angle of encounter. For different angles of encounter, different weighting functions are designed. For the pole of a nominal model existing in an imaginary axis, the bilinear-transform method is used. The “2-Riccati” equation is adopted to solve the H∞ controller. A system simulation is given, and the results show that, compared with a PID controller, this system has higher course precision and more robust performance. This research has significant engineering value. Given the uncertainty of parameters and the random nature of disturbances that effect a ships course, a robust course controller should be designed on the basis of rudder / flap vector control. This paper analyzes system uncertainty, and the choice of weighting functions is also discussed. When sea waves operate on a ship, the energy-concentrating frequency varies with the angle of encounter. For different angles of encounter, different weighting functions are designed. For the pole of a nominal model existing in an imaginary axis, the bilinear-transform method The system “2-Riccati” is solved to solve the H∞ controller. A system simulation is given, and the results show that, compared with a PID controller, this system has higher course precision and more robust performance. This research has significant engineering value.
摘 要: 当前中小学教育教学改革大力倡导情境教学,在科学课堂中创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,拓展学生的创新思维,变“被动接受”为“主动探究”,提高学生的求知欲望,是优化科学教学的重要途径。  关键词: 科学课堂教学 情境 激发兴趣    第斯多惠说:“教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。”在初中科学课堂教学中,如何激励、唤醒、鼓舞学生,使学生乐于学习呢?情境教学是激发学生学习兴趣的
我国学校教育的根本任务是坚持为社会主义服务的方向,培养德、智、体、美劳全面发展,有理想、有道德、有纪律的一代新人,提高全民族的素质。美术教育作为学校教育的重要组成部分,它的主要任务“是对学生进行审美教育,提高学生的审美素质”。  一、审美教育的根本目的及中学美育的任务  审美教育,即我们常说的美育,其根本目的是什么呢?我国近代美学家、教育家蔡元培先生说:“美育者,应用美学之理论于教育,以陶冶感情为
摘 要: 本文针对实际教学过程中,学生学习过程中缺乏一定的创新能力,从挖掘学生探求潜力,突破学生思维局限,注重学生参与探究,重视指导学法,运用变式习题训练等方面对提升学生在数学课堂教学中创新能力进行了论述。  关键词: 小学课堂教学 创新能力 学习成效    当今是知识的时代,国家针对新时代的要求,以及我国教育的现状,作出了构建面向21世纪的创新教育体制的战略决定。培养学生的创新意识是实施素质教育