In 1597, when the world appeared for the first time in Florence, and when a commercial advertisement was published once a week, the war of advertisements in the world commercial warfare never ceased and became increasingly fierce. According to statistics, the annual advertising investment in the world amounts to 200 billion U.S. dollars. In 1987, the advertising fee in the United States reached 100 billion U.S. dollars, ranking first among countries. The profit it brings to manufacturers grows geometrically. Japan’s famous advertising maker “Dentsu” also showed the latest statistics: In 1991, the cost of various types of advertising in Japan was 5.726 trillion yen, about 44 billion US dollars, ranking second in the world, its growth rate is the most Fast country. In Hong Kong, it is not surprising that one advertisement costs 100,000 US dollars; in the United States, the production of a movie advertising fee costs 3 million US dollars; in 1984 at the Los Angeles Olympics, Japan’s Fuji Corporation has a maximum sponsorship fee of 7 million US dollars. Win the designated product rights, thus defeating the overlord of the world’s film market Kodak. In the U.S., there are more than 7,000 advertising companies that produce a large number of advertisements every day, refurbished, and receive about 1,500 times per day.