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半个世纪以来,航天动力学的研究取得了较为丰硕的成果,中国航天走出了一条独立自主的发展道路,先后成功实现了“东方红一号”卫星、载人航天工程和探月工程三大里程碑的跨越.2012年6月29日,神舟九号飞船与天宫一号目标飞行器载人交会对接任务的顺利完成,标志着我国航天技术水平又向前迈进了一大步.航天器和运载火箭作为体现航天技术发展的主要载体,其研制、发射和运行是一项庞大的系统工程,而动力学分析、设计及试验验证则是航天器和运载火箭研制过程中的重要环节,动力学 Since the past half a century, more achievements have been made in the study of aerospace dynamics. China Aerospace Corporation has stepped out of an independent development path and has successfully achieved “Dongfanghong No.1” satellite, manned space project and lunar exploration project III Large-scale milestone on June 29, 2012, Shenzhou 9 spacecraft and Tiangong-1 target manned rendezvous and docking mission successfully completed, marking China’s space technology and a big step forward Spacecraft and carrying Rocket, as the main vehicle for the development of aerospace technology, is a huge systematic project for its development, launch and operation. Dynamics analysis, design and test verification are important links in the development of spacecraft and launch vehicle. Dynamics,
The positioning precision of the transmitting Chinese Area Positioning System(CAPS) is reduced due to the non-ideal distribution of the satellite constellation.
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成绩发下来,我一脸茫然,从玩乐的酣梦中惊醒,我后悔莫及,早已泪流满面。听着耳边被风吹得“沙沙”直响的讨厌的树叶撞击声, 我的沉重的心更是有增无减,怀着失落的心情,我推开
欧洲直升机公司X3直升机已抵达美国并将开展为期1个月的美国之旅,其搭乘一架货机从法国伊斯特飞行试验中心起运并将被停放在欧直公司位于德克萨 Eurocopter X3 helicopters