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小说是一种综合地运用多种表现手法来塑造人物形象、反映社会生活的文学体裁。中学语文课本编选了古今中外的不少优秀小说。运用各种思维训练的方法,教好这些作品,对学生能力的培养、智力的发展、写作的提高,都是很有作用的。我在小说教学中,曾以接续法训练学生的创造思维,收到了较好的教学效果。所谓接续,就是把小说中已经告一段落的故事,按照情节发展的趋势接着叙述下去。这种训练,既能培养学生认真研读原著、加深对作品理解的习惯,又利于开拓学生的发散思维,发挥他们的创造能 The novel is a literary genre that comprehensively uses a variety of expression techniques to shape characters and reflect social life. Chinese textbooks for middle schools compile many outstanding novels from ancient and modern times. The use of various methods of thinking training to teach these works is very useful for the cultivation of students’ ability, the development of intelligence, and the improvement of writing. In the teaching of fiction, I trained students’ creative thinking with the continuation method and received good teaching results. The so-called succession is to tell the story that has already come to an end in the novel, according to the trend of the development of the plot. This kind of training can not only train students to study the original book, deepen the habit of understanding the work, but also help develop students’ divergent thinking and give full play to their creative energy.
2016年12月19日下午3点,三名通州杨庄村村民领着一位老太太来到北京市公安局通州分局永顺派出所杨庄警务站。原来,三位村民遛弯时,在广渠路二期通州与朝阳交界的高架桥下发现这位老人摇摇晃晃的,有些站立不稳,询问其打算去哪儿时,老人回答“不知道”。他们推测可能是老人迷路了。这么冷的天气,而且雾霾这么严重,担心老人发生意外,于是将其送到了警务站。  老人乡音比较重,经民警耐心询问,了解到老人是广西人,
马钢教委二村小学503班四年来一直保持无一人近视。班主任金致庭老师为保护学生视力预防近视,坚持做到:一、经常宣传近视眼的危害性和防近视的重要 Magang 502, Ercun Eleme
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一、汉字与拼音 (一)选出与拼音相应的词语并在括号内打“√”。 1.binqi①兵器( )②摈弃( )③屏气( ) 2.ningjing①宁静( )②临近( )③林尽( ) 3.changshi①尝试( )②长诗(