
来源 :商业经济与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyanhua421
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一、市场取向改革与零售商业组织经营的变化零售商业是社会商品流通的最终环节,是直接面对广大消费者、实现产品价值的经济组织,它对促进和指导生产、满足和引导消费负有重要的使命。在高度集中的计划经济体制下,国家为了保证群众基本生活需求的供应,必须全力抓住批发环节以控制货源,而零售商业处于上拨下卖的消极被动地位,这就决定了长期以来我国零售商业营销网络狭窄、经营机制呆板、商品品种匮乏、装备设施陈旧、信息反馈迟钝、服务质量低下,难以发挥其在社会再生产中应有的作用。改革开放以来,我国零售商业在组织和经营上发生了巨大的变化,主要表现在以下四个方面: I. Market Orientation Reform and Changes in Retail Business Organizations Retail business is the ultimate link in the circulation of social commodities. It is an economic organization that directly confronts consumers and realizes product value. It is responsible for promoting and guiding production, satisfying and guiding consumption. Important mission. Under the highly centralized planned economy system, the state must fully seize the wholesale links to control the supply of goods in order to guarantee the supply of people’s basic living needs, while the retail commerce is in a passive and passive position of upswing and downsell, which determines the long-term retail sales in China. The narrow commercial marketing network, inflexible operating mechanism, lack of product variety, obsolete equipment, poor feedback, and low service quality make it difficult to play its due role in social reproduction. Since the reform and opening up, China’s retail commerce has undergone tremendous changes in organization and management, mainly in the following four aspects:
Abstract:China will offer $5 billion in loans and credits3, and double aid to Africa by 2009, President Hu Jintao said on Nov. 4, 2006, seeking to bolster4 Chin
该文从高职英语教学的现状入手,分析了高职英语分级教学的重要性和必要性,以及在高职英语分级教学中应注意的问题,并给出了一些建议。 This article starts with the status
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韩军认为:美军是世界军事变革的先行者;在韩美联合作战体制中,韩军在作战观念和作战能力方面与美军存在着较大的差距,为尽快缩小这一差距,韩军亟需进行军事变革。 Han Jun