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  2017年,新达新加坡会议与博览中心创下良好销售业绩,在亚太区域市场表现抢眼,并获得区域内的12项大奖。 2018年,博览中心将承办88项重大活动和其他各类丰富活动,包括消费类展会、生活类展会、技术类活动和娱乐活动等,预示着该年度将再次是业绩丰盛的一年。其中,作为亚太区首选的医疗类活动场馆,2018年,博览中心将继续承办以及新承办一些重要的医疗类活动。
  Suntec Singapore will host 88 key events in 2018
  As emerged one of the most competitive MICE venues in the world, in 2017, Suntec Singapore recorded an outstanding market performance and won 12 regional awards, including the prestigious Asia’s Leading Meetings & Conference Centre.
  With a line-up of 88 key regional and international congresses taking place in the Centre, complemented with a well-balanced mix of consumer lifestyle, technology and entertainment events, 2018 is expected to deliver another year of sterling resulfs.
  Sudhir Dhavan升任印度罗杰斯物流首席执行官
  近日,印度知名会展物流公司罗杰斯公司(R.E. Rogers India)任命Sudhir Dhavan先生为首席执行官。该任命从2018年年初起即生效。新的职务使得Sudhir先生有更大的权力来领导公司业务取得进一步发展。
  Sudhir Dhavan Became CEO at R.E.Rogers India
  In its aggressive plans for the future, Indian exhibition logistics giant, R.E. Rogers India has named Sudhir Dhavan as the new CEO of the organisation. Effective from this year, Sudhir’s new role will entrust him with greater authority to lead R.E. Rogers India from the front, channelising the organisation’s deep foothold in the industry in his own charismatic poise.
  Sudhir Dhavan belongs to a rare genre of highly versatile and preeminent experts in global exhibition & logistics industry with multi-dimensional capabilities. With over 24 years of experience in the industry, Sudhir has made a niche name for himself. As the head of the sales and Operations, Sudhir had built up a team of dedicated officers each capable of enhancing the customer base of the company on an all India basis.

  AEFI campaigns for Italian exhibition industry
  The beginning of the year saw a media focus on the exhibitions industry in Italy, with AEFI (Associazione Esposizioni e Fiere Italiane) playing an important role in outlining the current situation in this industry, highlighting the strategic role of trade fairs for the economy and underlining the strengths and critical areas in this sector.
  The main topics looked at included mergers and alliances, innovation, internationalisation, expansion of services, and digitalisation as a strategic factor in the international competitiveness of the exhibitions. Data from the recent survey on the trade fair sector conducted by the AEFI Economic Observatory gives an optimistic outlook for 2018 based on positive trends in the number of exhibitions, total exhibitors and space utilisation in the last quarter of 2017.
EMO Hannover 2019 will take place from 16 to 21 September under the motto Smart technologies driving tomorrow’s production! A new exhibition area IoT in production underscores its claim to position it
3月14-15日,2019年UFI亚太区大会在日本东京有明国际会展中心盛大开幕,来自全球各地的300多名会展精英汇聚一堂,这是该活动历史上规模最盛大的一次,也是UFI十四年来首次在日本舉办年度亚太区大会。UFI亚太区大会作为规模仅次于UFI全球年会的国际性会展业交流盛会,汇聚全球各地会展业知名行业协会、知名展览企业以及会展服务企业负责人。  UFI总经理及首席执行官贺庭凯 (Kai Hattend
In this first edition of Yazhu Column, Yazhu Zhang, Vice President of Genertec International Advertising and Exhibition Co. Ltd., based on her rich first-hand experience of organizing Chinese companie
近日,国际展览业协会(UFI)偕总部位于伦敦的会展调研公司Explori发布了最新一版的《全球展会观众报告》。本次调查研究,除了对来自1600多个贸易展览会上来自135个国家的专业买家的13000份问卷进行分析,结合了对29位展会项目主管和高级营销人员的深入访谈,同时还参考了Explori公司本身的数据库。报告由UFI和Explori公司共同研究和撰写。主要结论包括:  - 贸易展览会被视为稳定、
2月5日,2018年全国贸促工作会议在北京举行。会议总结2017年及过去五年的工作,分析新时代贸促工作面临的新形势新要求,部署2018年重点任务。中国国际贸易促进委员会党组书记、会长姜增伟做工作报告。各地贸促机构与相关协会主要负责人出席会议。  今年,贸促会将面向20个重点国家和20个境外重点经贸合作区,通过举办装备制造展和投资说明会、编制发布《中国境外经贸合作区投资指南》、组织赴境外考察、提供个
In a free market environment, competition is unavoidable and may be long existing. However, as the theme of the 2018 UFI Asia Pacific Conference says, “New Approaches, Different Angles”, through coope
Over 300 delegates from 22 countries and regions attended the soldout UFI Asia-Pacific Conference in Tokyo, making it the biggest of its kind in the event’s 14-year history. Held at Tokyo Big Sight on
为了进一步促进UFI会员之间的信息交换,推动行业发展,UFI于近日成立了数个不同主题的委员会,其中一个为“行业伙伴委员会”。印度罗杰斯展览公司董事总经理Ravinder Sethi被提名为委员会主席。他表示,“行业伙伴委员会初期有两个目标。首先是作为一个委员会而不是个体会员为UFI的发展做出贡献,其次是提升各个领域行业伙伴的被认可度。日后我们将进一步设立更多的目标。”  UFI introduce