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刑技的破案效能和其科技水平不平衡刑技的破案效能体现在其能解决对破案起重要作用的专业问题,如:用刑技手段确定重大嫌疑人或案犯、作案时间、作案地点、作案工具等专业问题,能有效地推进整个侦破工作,有的对突破全案起关键作用,刑技的破案效能在此就得以充分体现。但一个专业问题的解决主要取决于鉴定条件、鉴定者的技术水平,尔后才是刑技的科技水平,大多数专业问题采用基础刑技即可解决,极少数专业问题才需动用高新刑技,就是说基础刑技发挥了较好的破案效能,而高新刑技的破案效能相对逊色,刑技的破案效能和其科技水平不平衡。所以,我们办案中要尽量利用现场条件解决一些重要的专业问题,同时注意运用简捷有效的基础刑技解决这些问题。立足基础刑技善用高新刑技随着科学的发展,刑事技术的发展也日新月异,但这些技术的推广和普及由于人力和物力的限制还需一段时间,目前基层刑侦部门破案中常用的还是基础刑技,高新刑技没有替代基础 Punishment efficiency and the imbalance of science and technology of criminal penalties The effectiveness of criminal investigation of criminal cases is reflected in its ability to solve the professional problems that play an important role in solving crimes such as: determining the major suspects or offenders using criminal techniques, the time of committing the crime, the place of committing the crime, the tools of committing the crime And other professional issues, can effectively promote the entire reconnaissance work, and some play a key role in breaking the whole case, criminal technology, the effectiveness of detection of crimes in this fully demonstrated. However, the solution of a major problem mainly depends on the qualification of the appraiser, the technical level of the appraiser, and the technical level of criminal technology thereafter. Most professional problems can be solved using the basic criminal law, That is to say, basic criminal technology has played a good role in solving crimes, while the effectiveness of solving criminal cases of high-tech criminal technology is relatively less, and the efficiency of criminal law’s detection of crimes and its technological level are not balanced. Therefore, we should make full use of on-site conditions to solve some important professional problems in our handling of cases and at the same time pay attention to using simple and effective basic criminal techniques to solve these problems. With the development of science, the development of criminal technology is also changing with each passing day. However, it is still some time before the popularization and popularization of these technologies are limited due to manpower and material resources. At present, the basic criminal investigation departments are still commonly used in solving crimes Criminal technology, high-tech criminal technology there is no alternative basis
大型钢筋砼沉井在下沉、就位过程中会出现位移、倾斜或扭转的现象,本文就如何进行有效的预防、调正和纠偏进行了探讨。 Large-scale reinforced concrete caisson will sink,
今年11月,联想刚刚度过了自己的27岁生日。27年来,联想从中科院计算所一间传达室里以20万元起步,发展到今天,已成为在多个行业都拥有领先企业的综合性投资控股公司。在一路发展的过程中,我们深深体会到文化所起到的重要作用。可以说,企业文化确实是一个企业长久发展的最重要的基石。  可能很多朋友提到联想,脑子里首先想到的还是电脑。所以,我想先简要介绍一下联想控股的情况。再和大家分享我们是怎么理解文化,以
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