你是否认为自动驾驶的汽车遥遥无期?现在,安装了高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)的本田雅阁轿车已经在欧洲上市了。它可以让车辆自动保持在行驶的车道中, 并能够根据道路的交通状况调整车速,而你只需要告诉车辆你希望的车速和你想要到达的目的地就可以了。
Do You Think Auto-driving Cars Foresee You Now? Honda Accord cars with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are now available in Europe. It allows the vehicle to remain in the driving lane automatically and adjust the speed to the traffic conditions of the road, all you need to do is tell the vehicle the speed you want and the destination you want to reach.