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多媒体教学这一现代教学手段越来越多地引入了课堂教学。将多媒体引入到思想品德课教学中,可以使教学由平面走向立体,变静态为动态,化抽象为具体,能激活学生的兴趣,缩短学生的认识过程,实现教学过程的优化,是提高思想品德课教学质量的一条重要途径。一、把多媒体技术引入思想品德课堂的效果将多媒体引入思想品德课堂教学,是时代的需要和要求,也是提高课堂教学效率和学生素质的有效方法。巧妙恰当地运用多媒体进行思想品德教学,具有广阔的空间和美 Multimedia teaching This modern teaching method more and more introduced the classroom teaching. The introduction of multimedia into the teaching of ideology and morality can make the teaching go from the plane to the three-dimensional, change the static state into the dynamic and abstract abstraction, activate the students ’interest, shorten the students’ cognitive process, optimize the teaching process, and improve the morality An important way of teaching quality. First, the multimedia technology into the ideological and moral classroom effect Multimedia to the ideological and moral classroom teaching is the needs and requirements of the times, but also improve classroom teaching efficiency and student quality is an effective way. Clever and proper use of multimedia for ideological and moral education, has a vast space and beauty
细胞壁是植物细胞区别于动物细胞最显著的特征,自1665年胡克观察到软木切片中的细胞壁后它就一直受到科学家们的关注。植物细胞壁在细胞生长、分化、分裂和死亡等过程发挥重要功能,并对植物的许多生长发育过程进行调控;其功能主要表现在机械支持、物质运输、防御反应、细胞识别等方面,这些功能依赖于细胞壁内的多种壁蛋白而存在膨胀素蛋白是一类多基因超大家族编码的细胞壁蛋白,依其自身结构分可为α-expansin (
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