Li Shimin, born in 1968 in Shanxi Wanrong. Since childhood, I love painting and calligraphy. In 1993 graduated from the Shanxi University Academy of Fine Arts, good people, spend Ukraine. Paintings and calligraphy works won numerous provincial and municipal awards and found in a variety of publications. Selected works of calligraphy “Chinese calligraphers works anthology”, published monograph “happy painting city”, with vivid, elegant image by readers. In recent years, he has devoted himself to studying and studying animal pictures, developing the fine traditions of Chinese painting and making bold innovations. Works mainly to Tibetan mastiff, attacking eagles, horses, bears and so on. Some of his mighty animal images, some cute, some funny, some humorous, distinctive personality, lifelike. In particular, Zang mastiff, tiger like tiger, breathtaking. Drawing on the soul of the first, form the second, swept its potential, Yang Yang gas; pen with one pass, heavy ink rhyme, heavy momentum, recollection, actual situation dependency, pen concise Sheng. As he said: In order to show the animal’s inherent charm and strong vitality. Li Shimin is still young, and his artistic life has just begun. May he take it for granted.