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新中国成立后30年的经济运行,是在高度的计划之下进行的,称之计划经济。涉及到我们身上所穿的“衣”也是这样,由国家每年按人头发放布票,凭票到商店去买回布料。这个时期的国营印染企业也是按国家下达的印染指标完成任务的,冻饿不着,日子过得平稳无忧。设计室的设计人员每月拿出自己的设计任务即可。 自80年代以来,改革的逐步深入,这样的平衡机制被打破了,市场经济的狂潮冲破了我们30年来所构建的堤坝。过去受到保护的印染行业也受到三资、民营企业的挑战,票证的取消,消费者有了更加广阔的选择权,国营企业也因长期的养尊处优而不能适应市场的风浪。90年代以来大型国有印染企业也因设备陈旧、人员老化、包袱沉重,竞争力差而纷纷破产倒闭。依附于印染厂的染织设计人员也如同沉舟上的人而争相逃命,以朱宏修先生的调查为例:“1991年分散在陕西全省100余家印染行业的染织设计人员为480余人,而到1993年只剩下100余人。”曾经享有盛名得到周恩来总理、江泽民主席的视察和众多外国元首参观过的西北第一印染厂,职工人数也由过去的3000多人锐减到今天的500余人。这种国营印染业的滑坡给人们带来了一个错误的信号,似乎关系到国计民生,人类生存“衣食住行”首位的“衣”不重要了,过时了,甚至不需要了。这种认识 The economic operation in the 30 years after the founding of New China was carried out under a highly-planned plan called the planned economy. The same applies to the “clothes” worn by us. Every year, the state puts tickets on the person’s hair and goes to the shops to buy fabrics. The state-run printing and dyeing enterprises of this period also completed the task according to the printing and dyeing indicators issued by the state, and they were not frozen and hungry. Designers of the design studio can take out their own design tasks each month. Since the 1980s, with the gradual deepening of reforms, such a balance mechanism has been broken, and the frenzy of the market economy has broken through the dams that we constructed over the past 30 years. The printing and dyeing industries that were protected in the past have also been challenged by foreign-funded and private enterprises. With the cancellation of the ticket, consumers have a wider choice of options. The state-owned enterprises are also unable to adapt to the market due to long-term pride. Since the 1990s, large state-owned printing and dyeing companies have also gone bankrupt due to outdated equipment, aging personnel, heavy burdens, and poor competitiveness. The dyeing and weaving designers attached to the printing and dyeing factories also scrambled to escape as they did on the sinking boat. Take Mr. Zhu Hongxiu’s investigation as an example: “The dyeing and weaving design staff of more than 100 printing and dyeing industries scattered in Shaanxi Province in 1991 were 480. Yu Ren, and by 1993 there were only 100 people left.” The number one employee in the Northwestern Printing and Dyeing Factory, which was once famous for receiving Premier Zhou Enlai and President Jiang Zemin’s visits and visited by many foreign heads of state, has also reduced the number of workers from the past 3,000 to today. More than 500 people. This kind of decline in the state-run printing and dyeing industry has brought a wrong signal to people. It seems to concern the national economy and the people’s livelihood. The "clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, clothing, etc. This understanding
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瞬息万变的市场经济给建筑业提出了更高的要求和新的挑战。中小建筑企业如何面对新形势、迎接新挑战 ?本文拟就中小建筑企业面临的机遇、挑战和对策作一些分析。一、中小建筑