
来源 :建筑管理现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dai_dx
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陕西省建设厅厅长高峰在陕西省深化建筑业改革理论与实践研讨会上提出,增强改革力度,振兴陕西省建筑业的几点做法。 1.转换经营机制,深化企业改革。在继续落实14项经营自主权的基础上,一是按照国家产业政策和市场需求,积极调整生产经营结构,大力发展第三产业、多元化经营。实行建筑业同房地产业结合,既提高房地产开发水平和效益,也增强建筑企业的活力与实力。二是积极做好准备,推行企业产权制度改革。国有大中型建筑企业要积极进行股份制试点,城镇集体企业可向股份合作制发展。三是以推行项目经理责任制为契机,推行企业内部市场化,实行劳务层与管理层分离。四是企业要 The director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Construction pointed out at the seminar on reforming the theory and practice of deepening the construction industry in Shaanxi Province to strengthen the reforms and revitalize the construction industry in Shaanxi Province. 1. Change operational mechanism and deepen enterprise reform. On the basis of continuing to implement 14 operational autonomy, the first is to actively adjust the production and operation structure in accordance with national industrial policies and market demands, and vigorously develop the tertiary industry and diversified operations. The combination of the construction industry and the real estate industry not only improves the level and efficiency of real estate development, but also enhances the vitality and strength of construction companies. The second is to actively prepare for the implementation of the reform of the enterprise property rights system. Large and medium-sized state-owned construction enterprises must actively carry out joint-stock pilot projects, and urban collective enterprises can develop joint-stock cooperative systems. Third, the implementation of the project manager responsibility system as an opportunity to implement the internal marketization of the enterprise, the separation of labor and management. Fourth, the company must
一、航空科技成果转化工作的现状 最近,我们对航空工业系统1978~1990年获部级科学技术进步奖的2000多项成果进行了统计,按应用程度可分四种情况。 (一)已推广的应用成果 该类
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在目前企业体制变革过程中,国有资产流失现象时有发生。闲置设备作为国有资产的一部分也由于同样的原因其价值也在流失,现状不容乐观。 首先,设备闲置的总量与范围在日趋增