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随着高炉炼铁技术的发展,带来了高炉的大型化和炉顶压力的不断提高。为此,相应地要求对高炉炉顶装料设备采用特殊的结构,以适应这一发展。合理的炉顶装料设备,应能满足下述要求: 1.在保证高炉装料要求的前提下,能够保护炉料,即尽可能地降低落料高度和减少炉料的转运次数; 2.在炉喉断面大的情况下,能够控制炉料分布。而且要求布料均匀; 3.所有的密封装置,能够完全密封; 4.减少设备磨损,延长设备的使用寿命; 5.便于快速修理和更换; 6.投资、生产和维修的费用低。 With the development of blast furnace ironmaking technology, it has brought the large-scale blast furnace and the continuous improvement of the pressure at the top of the furnace. Therefore, correspondingly, special requirements should be applied to the blast furnace top charging equipment to adapt to this development. Reasonable top loading equipment, should be able to meet the following requirements: 1. To ensure that the blast furnace charge requirements under the premise of being able to protect the charge, that is, as much as possible to reduce blanking height and reduce the number of transfer charge; 2. In the furnace Large throat section, to control the charge distribution. And require uniform fabric; 3. All sealing devices can be completely sealed; 4. To reduce equipment wear and tear, extending the service life of the equipment; 5. To facilitate rapid repair and replacement; 6. Investment, production and maintenance costs low.
铜的火法精炼,国外多采用回转式阳极炉,国内都用固定式反射炉。比较可知,前者较后者具有机械化水平高,操作环境改善,劳动强度轻,燃料消耗省,劳动生产率 Copper fire refini
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目的 :探讨中后程加速超分割放射治疗食管癌的疗效及早期放射反应和晚期损伤。方法 :本文对 5 9例食管鳞癌随机分为 2组 :常规分割放疗组 2 9例 ,2Gy/次 ,1次 /d ,5次 /wk ,
一、引言 沈阳冶炼厂铅电解车间连续脱铜反射炉文丘里水收尘的废水中,含有大量的砷、铜、锌、铅、镉等有害元素,每日排放量为150~200米~3,对环境造成严重污染,成为沈阳市铁西
A CHANGE OF PACE  According to a Greek legend, in ancient Athens a man noticed the great storyteller Aesop playing childish games with some little boys. He 1 and made fun of Aesop, asking him why he