
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:margaret9163
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Objectives. This study sought to determine whether intraoperative electrical stimulation (IES) of pelvic splanchnic nerves (PSNs) while monitoring bladder contraction was useful to predict postoperative bladder function during conventional nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy. Methods. Seventeen patients with stage Ib or IIa cervical cancer underwent conventional radical hysterectomy. IES was performed in all cases, stimulating the roots of PSN, the posterior sheath of the vesicouterine ligament (PVL) and the dorsal area of the ligament. After resection of the uterus, the PSN roots were stimulated again. Bladder function was evaluated by urodynamic study (UDS) preoperatively and 3 months after surgery. Results. The results of IES were consistent with bladder function evaluated by postoperative UDS. In 13 of 17 cases, an increased intravesical pressure was observed with IES of the PSN roots after uterus resection. Nine of 13 cases showed marked detrusor contraction with UDS 3 months after surgery and were able to void without using abdominal pressure except in one case. In the remaining 4 of 17 cases, no response could be detected to IES on either side. Three cases voided using abdominal pressure and one used clean intermittent self-catheterization without spontaneous voiding. Conclusions. IES while monitoring intravesical pressure during radical hysterectomy represents a technically simple and useful procedure for the prediction of postoperative bladder function. Objectives. This study sought to determine whether intraoperative electrical stimulation (IES) of pelvic splanchnic nerves (PSNs) while monitoring bladder contraction was useful to predict postoperative bladder function during conventional nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy. Methods. Seventeen patients with stage Ib or IIa cervical cancer underwent conventional radical hysterectomy. IES was performed in all cases, stimulating the roots of PSN, the posterior sheath of the vesicouterine ligament (PVL) and the dorsal area of ​​the ligament. After resection of the uterus, the PSN roots were stimulated again. Results of IES were consistently with bladder function evaluated by postoperative UDS. In 13 of 17 cases, an increased intravesical pressure was observed with IES of the PSN roots of uterus resection. Nine of 13 cases showed marked detrusor contraction with UDS 3 months after surgery and were able to void without using abdominal pressure except in one case. In the remaining 4 of 17 cases, no response could be detected to IES on either side. Three cases voided using abdominal pressure and one used clean intermittent self-catheterization without spontaneous voiding. Conclusions. IES while monitoring intravesical pressure during radical hysterectomy represents a technically simple and useful procedure for the prediction of postoperative bladder function.
近年来人们对C肽的活性有了进一步认识。C肽可改善糖尿病微血管病变和神经病变 ,其作用机制与升高组织Na+ K+ ATP酶活性及激活内皮型一氧化氮合酶促进一氧化氮合成有关。细
患者女,23岁,停经17周,下腹憋胀及阴道淋漓出血18 d,于2004年6月8日入院.患者于停经40 d时,出现早孕反应,自觉胎动1周.因腹部憋胀、阴道少量出血曾在当地医院就诊2次,均考虑"宫内妊娠合并部分葡萄胎"建议住院终止妊娠,但本人未住院治疗,因下腹憋胀严重,但无阴道出血方就诊入院.
目的 :探讨 HSV- 2在体内诱导细胞凋亡的效果、形态学特点和 Fas蛋白的表达。方法 :用 HSV- 2 333株感染小鼠阴道 ,光镜下进行原位观察 ,TUNEL末端标记染色显示凋亡的细胞 ,
目的 分析影响糖尿病患者多种心血管危险因素集簇现象的因素。方法 调查 6 54例糖尿病患者并发症情况和血糖、胰岛素、HbA1c、胆固醇、甘油三酯、LDL 胆固醇、HDL 胆固醇、