
来源 :国务院国有资产监督管理委员会公告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weihome
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各中央企业:为促进提高中央监管企业(以下简称企业)财务管理水平,有效建立和完善企业内部控制制度,规范企业财务预算管理工作,根据《企业国有资产监督管理暂行条例》和国家财务会计制度有关规定,现将《2004年度中央企业财务预算报表》及编制说明印发给你们,并将有关事项通知如下:一、建立财务预算管理制度是加强国有资本监管的重要内容,对于做好企业财务管理,促进完善企业内部控制机制,提高企业财务管理水平以及做好业绩考核、绩效评价和国有资本保值增值等工作具有 All central enterprises: To promote the improvement of the financial management level of central supervised enterprises (hereinafter referred to as enterprises), effectively establish and improve the internal control system of enterprises, and standardize the management of financial budgets of enterprises, according to the “Provisional Regulations on Supervision and Management of State-owned Assets of Enterprises” and the national financial accounting system. The regulations stipulate that the “2004 Central Government Financial Statements” and the preparation instructions will be issued to you and the relevant matters will be notified as follows: 1. Establishing a financial budget management system is an important part of strengthening the supervision of state-owned capital. , Promote the improvement of internal control mechanisms of enterprises, improve the level of financial management of enterprises, and do a good job in performance assessment, performance evaluation, and maintenance and appreciation of state-owned capital.
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一个有世界各地传媒大亨参加的新闻发布会曾在悉尼奥运会上举行。人们发现坐在前排的美国传媒巨头 NBC 副总裁麦卡锡突然蹲下身子,钻到桌子底下。大家目瞪口呆,不知道这位大
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空炉损耗功率是考核电炉的重要技术经济指标。 设计电炉时,设计者要根据设计任务书进行大量热工计算。其中包括空炉损耗功率P损计算。这一计算是在额定温度(对于标准电炉或
各市、县人民政府,省各委、办、厅、局,省各直属单位: 近年来,我省广大企业积极参与以诚信为主题的“重合同守信用”活动,涌现出一大批重约守信、守法经营、管理规范、经济