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用11种山羊草(Aegilops)与普通小麦杂交。当山羊草用作母本时,结实率平均为23.3%,杂交种子成苗率为7.9%,回交结实率为0.77%,当山羊草用作父本时,结实率平均为11.7%,杂交种子成苗率为66.3%,回交结实率为0.73%。在两种情况下,回交结实率都很低,自交也均不结实。 T·aestivum×Ae.variabilis,T·a estivum×Ae.triuneialis,Ae.crassa(6X)×T·aestivum获得了BC_1种子。T·aestivum×Ae.speltoides,Ae.triaristata (4X)×T·aestivum,T·aestivum×Ae.umbellulata获得了BC_2种子。 在上述各组合中,F_1植株的形态特征呈双亲中间类型。在回交世代中,形态特征迅速倾近回交亲本普通小麦。大多数杂种高抗白粉病。 对部分细胞学观察结果作了叙述。(T.aestivum×Ae.speltoides)F_1在花粉母细胞减数分裂中期,二价体数高达12.07,由此推断所用Ae.speltoides是高配对型,可能存在对pH基因的抑制机制。 用四种Ae.Ventricosa-Triticum双二倍体与普通小麦杂交,结实率、成苗率、特别是回交结实率都明显高于直接用山羊草与Triticum杂交时的相应数值。看来,双二倍体是将山羊草有利性状导入小麦时可用的良好中间材料。 (Ventripersicum×T.aestivum)F_1、F_2和BC_1的多数植株对白粉病高抗。而F_2植株的籽粒蛋白质含量高达 Eleven species of Aegilops were crossed with common wheat. When Aegilops tauschii was used as the female parent, the seed setting rate was 23.3% on average, the seedling rate of hybrid seed was 7.9% and the rate of backcrossing was 0.77%. When Aegilops tauschii was used as the male parent, the seed setting rate was 11.7% Seeding rate of seed was 66.3%, backcrossing rate was 0.73%. In both cases, the rate of backcrossing is low and self-fertility is not strong either. T · aestivum × Ae.variabilis, T · a estivum × Ae.triuneialis, Ae.crassa (6X) × T · aestivum BC_1 seeds were obtained. T · aestivum × Ae.speltoides, Ae.triaristata (4X) × T · aestivum, T · aestivum × Ae.umbellulata. In each of the above combinations, the morphological characteristics of F_1 plants were intermediate types of parents. In the backcross generation, the morphological traits quickly returned to the normal parents. Most hybrids are highly resistant to powdery mildew. Some cytological observations were described. (T.aestivum × Ae.speltoides) F_1 in meiosis metaphase pollen mother cells, the number of divalent body up to 12.07, which concluded that Ae.speltoides is a high-pairing type, there may be inhibition of the pH gene mechanism. With four kinds of diploid Ae.Ventricosa-Triticum diploid and common wheat, seed setting rate, seedling rate, especially backcrossing seed setting rate were significantly higher than the direct use of goat grass and Triticum when the corresponding value of hybridization. It appears that the diploid is a good intermediate material available when introducing the beneficial traits of goat to wheat. (Ventripersicum × T.aestivum) F_1, F_2 and BC_1 plants were highly resistant to powdery mildew. However, F 2 plants had high protein content in grain
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