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目的探讨同伴教育对在校大学生艾滋病(AIDS)认知及行为的影响效果,为制定高校预防AIDS策略提供依据。方法选择西安市5所高校实施AIDS同伴教育,半年后对1 109名学生进行问卷调查。按照学生是否接受过同伴教育将学生分为2组,即干预组(实施同伴教育组)和对照组。比较2组间对AIDS的认知及性行为和人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)检测情况。结果未接受过同伴教育的大部分学生知道AIDS的主要传播途径,但对一般的生活接触能否传播AIDS认识比较模糊,经同伴教育半年后对AIDS的认知明显提高,与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。接受过同伴教育的学生首次性行为和最近1次性行为使用安全套的比例高于对照组(51.3%和57.1%;59.0%和78.6%),但是差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);同伴教育组大学生最近1年接受过HIV检测的比例为6.7%,大大高于对照组的1.1%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=25.3,P<0.01)。结论对大学生及早实施同伴教育不仅能提高AIDS认知并能提高安全套使用率和HIV抗体检测率,对预防AIDS有重要意义。 Objective To explore the impact of peer education on AIDS awareness and behavior of undergraduates in colleges and universities, and to provide evidence for the development of AIDS prevention strategies in colleges and universities. Methods Five colleges and universities in Xi’an were selected to implement AIDS peer education. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,109 students six months later. The students were divided into two groups according to whether they received peer education, that is, the intervention group (peer education group) and the control group. The cognitive and sexual behaviors of AIDS and the detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were compared between the two groups. Results Most students who did not receive companion education know the main route of AIDS transmission. However, it is rather vague to know whether general contact with AIDS can spread AIDS or not. After six months of companion education, the cognition of AIDS is obviously improved. Compared with the control group, There was statistical significance (P <0.01). The percentage of condom users who used peer education was higher than that of control group (51.3% vs 57.1%; 59.0% and 78.6%, respectively) for the first time and the last sexual behavior, but the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05) The proportion of undergraduates who received HIV testing in the last one year was 6.7% in the education group, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (χ2 = 25.3, P <0.01). Conclusions The early implementation of peer education for college students can not only improve AIDS awareness and improve condom use rate and HIV antibody detection rate, but also have great significance for the prevention of AIDS.
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