竞速轮滑—— 燃脂新趋势

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  It’s the original all-girl full-contact sport, high speed and hard core. Skaters like Janis Choplin, Gori Spelling and Skeev Jobs are whipping around a track at lightning speed. But you don’t need a name like Broadzilla or Suzy Snakeyes to join the party. In fact, for people who are starting to feel a little bored at the gym, this might be the ultimate full-body workout.
  1)Derby-inspired fitness classes are popping up now all over the country, incorporating all the 2)cardio, 3)squats and core training of real roller derby but without the body 4)slams. And the women say it’s addictive.
  Woman 1: It’s the only exercise I’ve ever been excited about.
  At Derby Light in Chicago, women of all ages lace up, and for an hour at least, transform into roller derby 5)powerhouses, and they’re seeing results.
  Woman 2: I lost 80 pounds.
  While not as brutal as the original sport, it still looks dangerous to me.
  Rebecca Ninburg (a.k.a.Demolicious): Some new girls would come in and they’re like, “Am I gonna get hurt?” and I just tell them 100%...yes.
  Cameron Mathison: But they keep comin’ back.
  Demolicious: Because, honestly, the payoff, like you don’t feel the pain.
  “Demolicious” was a pro herself, but here in Los Angeles at the L.A. Derby Dolls, she offers a derby fitness program for beginners…like me.
  Demolicious: Because you’re roller skating, you’re moving fast, it’s really exciting, your 6)endorphins are going. It’s almost like fitness is a by-product ’cause the game is so awesome.
  Jess Beatty has been taking the class for six months.
  Cameron: What was it about derby that drew you in, versus other things that you could do to stay in shape?
  Jess: I don’t love the gym. I’d seen derby before. It was hard to come in ’cause I was really scared, but now I’m doin’ it.   Cameron: What changes have you noticed since you’ve done this?
  Jess: I’ve lost 50 pounds since November. All of a sudden my body changed shape and my muscles and my legs are incredibly strong.
  But that’s not all you build here on the track.
  Jess: It helps you conquer your fears, so it’s been helping with confidence…
  Demolicious: There’s some people that come in here to lose weight. Whoa!
  Jess: Probably easier ways to lose weight.
  Cameron: Yeah.
  Demolicious: Well, ’cause we don’t encourage losing weight. We encourage being in great shape.
  Jess: You can really start to push yourself in ways that you never thought you were gonna push yourself, and the ways that…that translates into your life.

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一个年轻女子因对文学作品的喜爱而视其作者为偶像,并渐渐地爱上了这位作家,成为他金屋藏娇的秘密情妇。此类故事既是诸多文学、影视作品中常见的套路,更是现实生活中不时会听到的“轶事”。只不过在电影《看不见的女人》里,男主人公是十九世纪的英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯,背景略为久远了一些。  特南夫人带着她的三个女儿活跃在英国的戏剧舞台上。她们有机会认识了当时已誉满英国的狄更斯,并参与了他一部话剧的表演。特南夫人
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素 以篇幅精致、风格优雅为卖点的英国古典剧是不少剧迷的心头好。本期所选的《雀起乡到烛镇》就是一部英伦味儿十足的英国古典剧,第一季于2008年在BBC首播,2011年播出第四季也是最后一季。剧集受到观众的热捧,好评如潮,英剧控可不要错过哦!  故事发生在19世纪末的牛津郡小村庄雀起乡和富裕的邻镇烛镇。16岁的雀起乡少女劳拉·提敏斯(Laura Timmins)离开本乡到邻近的烛镇投奔她的堂姨——精干