
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yclmq
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  I. Introduction
  The teacher’s discourse refers to the language which is used by teachers in the second language or foreign language class. It can be divided into the classroom language, teaching language, language communication and feedback and so on. In English class, teacher’s discourse is not only an important carrier of passing language teaching and the interaction between teachers and students ,but also a kind of input of teaching contents(Liu Xudong,2009).It is also an important way for students contact the learning language. So it plays an important role in the organization of classroom and the process of learner’s language acquisition (Nunan, 1990).
  As the language which is used in a special situation , the teacher’s discourse has the influence on students’ language learning results in both quality and quantity .It is because of the importance of teachers’ discourse, plenty of scholars has engaged in a large number of empirical studies in this respects. But these researchers pay attention to the teachers’ discourse as more features that are characteristic of language input. This paper is to analyze the teachers’ discourse in English classroom and promote the problem which exist in today’s language teaching and put forward the improvement strategy.
  II. The types and characteristics of teachers’ discourse
  A. Organization teaching language:
  a. Prologue
  b. Asking questions
  c. Feedback
  d. Instruction
  e. Summary
  B. Teaching information:
  The teacher’s discourse is an important source of students’ language input. For most learners in China, English class is likely to be the main or even the only place for learning language and using language , especially for remote areas of the learners. In order to promote language acquisition, learners should receive comprehensible input as much as possible. Therefore, focusing on teachers’ discourse in English classroom has special important meaning in language input and the quality of language.
  III. The problems of teachers’ discourse in English class
  (1)Teachers’ discourse take up too much time in class
  At present, English teaching is mainly traditional teacher-centered teaching. The teacher held the dominant position of the class. 70% - 80% of the teachers to do the most is the interpretation of the text in class and after-class exercises. Students are hardly ever willing to take part in the activities in the class. In class, teachers’ talk accounted for more than half the class time.   (2) Teachers’ discourse are too simple and formatted
  Teachers’ discourse structures are relatively simple and formatted. Unreasonable questions and lack of pragmatic knowledge are also existing in current English teaching .In traditional English class ,teachers spend too much time to explain the words, phrases, sentences, grammar and translation and so on .They just use the formatting questions like these:
  Would you please answer the question?
  Read after me and repeat the words .
  Today, we are going to learn Unit 6.
  (3)The feedback of teachers’ discourse is inappropriate
  Students , especially middle school students are not active in learning language .Because of the poor basic knowledge ,their answers sometimes are not perfect or having too many mistakes. At this time ,teachers need be patient and say something politely. students may give negative feedback because of the interruption or scold from the teacher in the class.
  T: Our motherland has a long history ,that is about 5,000 years .There are many great pieces of work in art ,nature, architecture and so on . Can you list and describe some for us?
  S: Great Wall…
  T: No, you should say the Great Wall. It is a proper noun. Clear?
  S: The Great Wall. It is a master piece .It made by hand…
  T: No, it is made by hands.
  S: Yes. And it express the wisdom of Chinese people…
  T: Don’t forget the es , it expresses the …
  IV. Strategies to raise the teachers’ discourse in English classroom
  (1)Changing the teacher’s role
  In modern language class, teachers must have the modern education concept and understand language learning features and teaching methods. In traditional English class, teachers are the centre of the class. However, we need change the teacher-centered into student-centered in our language courses. Teachers will be the guide ,not the master of the class. Students need to think the questions on their own.
  (2)Improving teachers’ discourse
  Teachers’ spoken English and language comprehension need to be improved. Teachers also need to improve their skills of questioning and integrated skill .Teachers should adjust the structure of subjects and enrich interdisciplinary knowledge. In the limited teaching time , teachers need to put words adjustment to the learner’s current level or slightly higher than the current level as far as possible .Trying to make the student to obtain comprehensible input from teachers’ discourse. On the one hand, teachers ought to improve their spoken English, expression ability and communication skills, pay attention to the validity of information content, and provide accurate and fluent language input for learners. On the other hand, the teacher must fully grasp and understand the students’ vocabulary, grammar knowledge and the actual situation such as listening and speaking skills and so on, choosing different treatment in different learner and selecting the appropriate discourse in the language class.   (3)Making the feedback appropriately
  In the language teaching, the teacher must make appropriate feedback in time for learners. This is another important part of teachers’ discourse. A large number of studies have shown that positive feedback more helpful to improve the learner’s behavior than negative feedback. Students don’t want teachers often correct their mistakes, they are more hopeful to get the teacher’s praise and comments. The appropriate feedback can enhance learners’ learning motivation and stimulate their desire to participate in classroom interaction. Teachers should set out from the psychological characters of learners to acquire language, to judge the errors. According to the specific situation, teachers should take different approaches and strategies. For oral errors in pronunciation, if it does not affect the communication, it need not to be corrected. We can take with peer correction or self-correcting method. On this basis, students gradually cultivate their abilities to correct by themselves consciously .
  (4)Creating a loose environment for students
  In the process of English teaching, teachers create a loose environment for students to take part in. To promote the teaching effect, teachers should create a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere, stimulate students’ learning motivation, drive, and self-confidence, so that the students can speak English easily. Therefore, teachers can lay the topics that students are interested in, inspire their participating interest and desire under the background of its familiar with material. At the same time, teachers pay attention to follow the principle of conversation of enthusiasm, politely or humorously. Taking group work, simultaneously stimulate learners to use language to express their ideas of desire and participate in language teaching actively.
  V. Conclusion
  Teachers’ discourse play an important role in the process of language teaching organization and learners’ language acquisition. Teachers should have a more comprehensive understanding on the types and characteristics of teachers’ discourse and try to improve their own words. Teachers should attach great importance to both the amount of language and the quality of the language. Through scientific and rational use of classroom discourse for the students to create a good learning atmosphere, and promote the level and quality of foreign language teaching overall actively.
【摘要】自从素质教育提出以来,情感教育的作用也越来越突出,在英语教学过程中,充满爱的课堂氛围在教学中发挥着很重要的作用,这种气氛是有效教学的基础,同时也有利于学生健康心理状态的形成。运用情感教育,能够有效加强师生之间的情感交流,激发学生的情感兴趣和学习动机,提高学习效率,促进英语教学,进而陶冶学生的情操,塑造完美的人格。  【关键词】情感教育 课堂氛围 学习兴趣  在推行素质教育的过程中,广大一线
【摘要】众所周知,英语是一门语言,有着语言的通性就是枯燥。对于语言的学习,唯有读和写。而高中阶段的学生对于英语写作总是犯难,为了改变这个现状,我们要分析阅读与写作的关系。在阅读教学过程中融入写作指导,从而提高学生的写作能力,从而有助于优质高中英语有效开展。  【关键词】高中英语 阅读 写作 方法 问题 积累  不容否认,高中阶段英语写作一直是很多学生学习的难点,学生在写作时常常感到无话可说,或者有
【摘要】语言和文化相辅相成,语言是文化的载体,语言产生和发展的背后都折射出一定的文化心理影响。英语作为一种国际性语言,其发展和变化紧跟着社会发展的潮流。本文通过对近年来一些流行英语新词的探索研究,分析其产生的原因、发展及文化影响,亦可将其引入到英语教学中,激发学生学习英语更大的兴趣。  【关键词】英语新词 文化 教学  随着国与国交流的日益增加,全球经济的繁荣和发展,英语作为使用最广泛的国际性语言
【摘要】近年来,中外合作办学在教育领域取得重大进展,在加快我国高等教育国际化方面发挥了巨大作用。然而,合作办学模式下的英语教学在教学模式、教材、课程设置等方面仍然存在很多问题,通过分析中外合作办学模式下英语教学存在的问题,提出解决英语教学困境的对策。  【关键词】合作办学 英语教学 问题 对策  一、引言  教育作为一项具有基础性、先导性和全局性的事业,作为一种传承、选择和创生文化的活动,不可避免
【摘要】总复习是迎战高考最后“战役”,其成败关系着高考的得失。由此可以,做好高中英语总复习有着非比寻常的意义。本文即重点探究了如何做好高中英语总复习的策略,主要从激发学生主观能动性、做好复习计划、从而提高学生复习等几个方面做了较为详尽的讲解。  【关键词】总复习 有效策略 高中英语 积极性  高三是迎战高考的最后阶段,因此在这个阶段,学生的学习压力之大也可以想见。在高中英语总复习中,教师应该认识到
【摘要】高考英语改革取消单项选择,改为语法填空,针对这种新题型采取合适的教学方法很重要。本文从语法填空题的命题规律、解题误区和解题诀窍等方面探讨了提升语法填空教学的思路。  【关键词】命题规律 解题误区 解题诀窍  高考英语题型改革后,从近年考生反应来看,将语法放到语篇中考查,不少学生难以适应这种新题型。那么如何加强高考英语新题型“语法填空”题的教学,提高学生的解题能力成为摆在我们教师面前的一道难