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苏宁电器2500万股A股于7月21日登陆深圳中小企业板,因其出色的成长性受到众多投资者的热捧,当日开盘价29.88元,收盘32.70元,一跃成为两市第一高价股,其上市当日换手率也高达 81.28%。 在紧随的22日和23日,苏宁电器股价又分别上涨2.75%和 6.70%,最终以收盘价35.85元告别了上市首周的出演。苏宁电器的表现与两日来因消息面利空而爆跌的市场指数形成了鲜明的对比,它更像是一个横空出世的股市英雄,闪亮在中小企业板的天空。 另外,据可靠渠道信息,在苏宁电器上市首日交易中,以鹏华、易方达旗下基金为首,共有三十多只基金大举抢入苏宁电器。据悉,目前基金的持仓量至少占据了苏宁电器流通股的一半以上。 众多基金在股票上市首日即纷纷开始大举建仓,这在近些年的市场中并不多见。在当前疲弱的市场环境中更是显得难能可贵。 那么,苏宁电器到底因何过人之处引来众多基金青睐?苏宁电器目前的高绝对价位还值得投资吗?在当前中小企业板呈现“新八股自上市首日高开后即节节败落”的弱势状况下,苏宁电器还能以两市第一高价股的姿态成为领袖中小企业板的龙头股吗?本文将从理性分析的角度为您层层剖析。 Suning Appliance’s 25 million A shares landed on the Shenzhen SME Board on July 21st. Its outstanding growth was greatly favored by many investors. The opening price was 29.88 yuan and the closing price was 32.70 yuan. The city’s first high-priced stocks, the exchange rate on the day of listing was as high as 81.28%. On the 22nd and the 23rd of the following day, Suning Appliance’s share price rose by 2.75% and 6.70% respectively, and finally bid farewell to the first week of the listing with a closing price of 35.85 yuan. Suning Appliance’s performance is in stark contrast to the two-day market index which has been declining due to bad news. It is more like a hero born out of the stock market, shining in the sky of the SME board. In addition, according to reliable channel information, Suning Appliance listed on the first day of trading, with Penghua, E Fund’s funds headed, a total of more than 30 funds large-scale acquisition of Suning Appliance. It is reported that the current fund positions at least occupy more than half of Suning Appliance’s outstanding shares. Many funds have begun to open positions on the first day of stock listing, which is rare in recent markets. In the current weak market environment, it is even more commendable. So, Suning Appliance attracts many funds because of its extraordinary place? Is the current high absolute price of Suning Appliance worth investing? In the current situation of the SME board showing that the “new eight stocks have fallen after the first day of the listing”, could Suning Appliance become the leading shareholder of the SME board with the attitude of the first high-priced stocks in the two cities? This article analyzes you from a rational analysis perspective.
发生在西班牙埃尔切市的焚烧中国鞋城事件,向中国外贸发展发出了一个信号:“中国制造”应该尽早走出低价——反倾销——贸易摩擦的怪圈 The incident of burning China Shoe
会展业被称为“刺激经济增长的强劲引擎”,更有人将会展业形象地说成“无异是坐着飞机在举办的城市上空撒钞票”。随着我国社会经济的发展,会展经济快车载着诱人的蛋糕飞速地启动了。  然而在会展经济蓬勃发展的同时也派生出大量不良现象。业内专家强烈呼吁,必须尽快整合政府、协会、企业等各方力量,建章立法、规范管理,使会展业真正成为“城市经济的发动机”。     一天三个展,井喷式同质化现象严重    
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公益活动作为一种广告行为 在现代社会中已经产生了越来越 广泛的影响,也使得很多广告在 诉求点上发生了很大的变化。公 益活动的组织者,一般是企业和 相关机构,前者主要是由
2003年入秋以来,南昌市 大大小小的展会一个接一个:旅 游推介会、经贸洽谈会、兰博 会、螃蟹节、汽车展、服装交易 会;去年11月,南丰国际蜜橘 节刚谢幕,赣南脐橙节又接踵而