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Wangqu Power Plant was given the go-ahead at the 4th Session of the 9th People’s Congress. The construction of the power plant is an important part of Transmitting Electricity from West to East Program, which is intended to optimize resources allocation and to quicken the steps of development of western and central China. The plant, a joint venture among four parties from Shanxi and Shandong, is a large pithead thermal power project that, when completed, will transmit electricity intra-provincially. The installed capacity is planned to be 2.4 million KW with a staggering 12 billion yuan investment. Phase One will include two 600,000-KW supercritical coal-fired generators. The Wangqu Power Plant was given the go-ahead at the 4th Session of the 9th People’s Congress. The construction of the power plant is an important part of Transmitting Electricity from West to East Program, which is intended to optimize resources allocation and to quicken the steps Of development of western and central China. The plant, a joint venture among four parties from Shanxi and Shandong, is a large pithead thermal power project that, when completed, will transmit the electricity intra-provincially. The installed capacity is planned to be 2.4 million KW with a staggering 12 billion yuan investment. Phase One will include two 600,000-KW supercritical coal-fired generators.
青海省黄金工业起步于 90年代 ,近年来黄金工业发展迅速。青海地域辽阔 ,金矿资源丰富 ,黄金工业具有良好的发展前景 ,“八五”期间全省产金 2 1 1 9kg,是“九五”产金量的 3
第25届意大利国际椅子(25th International ChairExhibition,Udine.Italy)将于9月 8──11日在意大利乌迪内市举行。该展会由意大利PROMOSEDIA公司──意大利费瑞乌里“椅子三角区”椅类家具商协会组织举办,每年 The 25th International C
新世纪第 1年 ,吉化公司开始实施乙烯一期挖潜技术改造工程 ,全部工程将于年底建成投产。吉化公司 30万t/a乙烯及配套工程是我国90年代中期建成投产的 2套大型乙烯工程之一 ,为
随着中国加入 WTO,中国汽车工业面临更多的发展机遇和挑战 ,如何抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,成为国内众多汽车企业必须认真考虑的问题。中吨位卡车作为中国汽车工业的传统主导产品
摘要 中国古代文论中提到了“见仁见智”的理论命题,重在强调接受主体(传播对象)在传播过程中的选择性差异问题。这种选择性差异主要体现在选择性接触、选择性理解及选择性记忆三个环节上。接受主体自身条件的差异及时代风尚的不同是造成接受主体选择性差异的主要原因,而选择性的差异造成了不同的传播效果,本文在此力图一一探析。  关键词:见仁见智 接受主体 接受美学 选择性差异 传播效果  与西方所提出的“一千个读
陕西省电力建设投资开发公司成立于1 991年 ,1 998年经陕西省人民政府批准 ,整体改制为陕西省投资集团 (有限 )公司 ,注册资本金 30亿元人民币 ,是省政府直属的具有法人资格