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调整县级国营商业组织结构,应以大商业、大流通的角度来思考和设计,实行政企分开和简政放权,使企业具有对市场的应变力、经营开发力、商品竞争力、职工凝聚力、资产增殖力。从这一点出发县级商业组织结构的调整,应实事求是,因地制宜,不搞“一刀切”,根据地理位置、交通状况、辐射能力和经营规模来调整县级批发格局。 (一)从单纯批发经营向批零合一经营调整。以批发为龙头,以零售为窗口,以批带零,以零促批。实行一套机构,一套库存,一套资金的管理体制。对外实行公司统一核算,统一缴库;对内实行分级管理,分级核算的体制。这样调整后,一可提高企业整体优势,发挥批零相互促进的效应。二可提高公司的决策指挥力。三可集中所有资金,提高资金使用效率。四可避免批零脱节、重复进货,增加内耗。五可减少环节,节约费用,提高企业经济效益。然而,这种调整也不是每个县(市)每个公司均可适应的,如商品经济比较发达的市、县的中小型零售企业就需要全部放开,如果采取这种统起来的办法既不能提高企业效益,又不利 To adjust the structure of state-owned commercial organizations at the county level, we should think and design from the point of view of major commerce and large-scale circulation. We must separate the administration from the enterprises and simplify the decentralization of power, so that the enterprises have the resilience to the market, management and development, commodity competitiveness, and staff cohesion. , asset proliferation. Starting from this point, the adjustment of the county-level commercial organization structure should be practical and realistic, adapt to local conditions, and not engage in “one size fits all”, and adjust the county-level wholesale pattern according to geographical location, traffic conditions, radiation capacity and business scale. (a) From wholesale operations to wholesale and retail operations. Take wholesale as a leader and retail as a window, take batches with zero, and promote with zero. Implementation of a set of institutions, a set of inventory, a set of funds management system. The company implements unified accounting for foreign companies and pays the library in a unified manner; it implements a hierarchical management system and a hierarchical accounting system. After such adjustments, one can improve the overall advantages of the company and play the role of promoting each other. Second, it can improve the company’s decision-making and commanding power. Third, all funds can be concentrated to improve the efficiency of capital use. Fourth, it can avoid disjointing between batches and zeroes, repeat purchases, and increase internal friction. Fifth, it can reduce links, save costs, and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. However, this kind of adjustment is not suitable for every company in each county (city). For example, small and medium-sized retail enterprises in cities and counties where the commodity economy is more developed need to be fully liberalized. Can not improve business efficiency, but also unfavorable
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公司发展不仅仅是采用信息技术。组织成员若不能接受新思想,变革就无从谈起。各个行业的管理专家们认为,思想僵化是公司培养灵活性的最大障碍。 The company’s development
采取稳健的步伐可以轻松地获取和积累财富。下面是一些小诀窍。是不是对挣大钱急不可耐? 可以理解。随着贫富差距的拉大,很多美国人在物质上互相攀比追赶,但也面临诸如事业发