Molecular Characterization of Nonstructural Protein NS38 of Grass Carp Reovirus

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuefeng96ew
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Viral nonstructural proteins in both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses play important roles in viral replication. Protein NS38 of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV), has been deduced to be a non-structural protein, and, consistent with other reoviruses, is considered to cooperate with the NS80 protein in viral particle assembly. To investigate the molecular basis of the role of NS38, a complete protein was expressed in E.coli for the first time. It was found that there is a better expression of NS38 induced with IPTG at 28 ℃ rather than 37 ℃. In addition, the antiserum of NS38 prepared with purified fusion protein and injected into rabbit could be used for detecting NS38 protein expression in GCRV infected cell lysate, while there is not any reaction crossed with purified virus particle, confirming NS38 is not a component of the viral structural protein. The result reported in this study will provide evidence for further viral protein-protein and protein-RNA interaction in dsRNA viruses replication. Viral nonstructural proteins in both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses play important roles in viral replication. Protein NS38 of Grass carp reovirus (GCRV), has been deduced to be a non-structural protein, and, consistent with other reoviruses, is considered to cooperate with the NS80 protein in viral particle assembly. To investigate the molecular basis of the role of NS38, a complete protein was expressed in E. coli for the first time. It was found that there is a better expression of NS38 induced with IPTG at 28 ℃ rather than 37 ° C. In addition, the antiserum of NS38 prepared with purified fusion protein and injected into rabbit could be used for detecting NS38 protein expression in GCRV infected cell lysate, while there is not any reaction crossed with purified virus particle, confirming NS38 is not a component of the viral structural protein. The result reported in this study will provide evidence for further viral protein-protein and protein-RNA interaction in dsRNA viruses replication.
患者,女,49岁.因上腹隐痛、嗳气2个月于2004年7月5日入院.查体:上腹剑突下轻压痛,右肾区轻度叩痛.胃镜检查示:胃窦小弯侧见一约4 cm×5 cm大小溃疡型肿物,质硬、易出血.活检病理报告:胃印戒细胞癌.彩色超声波显示:右肾上极3.0 cm×3.3 cm大小实质性肿物.CT检查报告:右肾上极圆形稍高密度影3 cm×3 cm大小.放射性核素计算机断层扫描(ECT)检查结果:双肾功能佳,上原路排
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