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1 前言随着对油田安全生产的日益重视,对油气生产厂、站、库的消防设施的标准也提出了更高的要求。在油田消防设计中,发现油田有些中小型站场分布广,距离消防站较远,使用消防车扑救有困难,若这些站场建固定消防设施,投资大,经济上是不合理的,必须考虑一套经济合理的 1 Introduction With the increasing emphasis on safe production of oil fields, higher standards have been set for the standards of fire-fighting facilities for oil and gas production plants, stations and warehouses. In the oilfield firefighting design, it was discovered that some small and medium-sized stations in the oilfield are widely distributed and are far from the fire station. It is difficult to use fire engines to fight against them. If these stations are built with fixed firefighting facilities, the investment is large and economically unreasonable. It must be considered. A set of economically sound
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The development of some computational algorithms based on cellular automaton was described to simulate the structures formed during the solidification of steel
U sing different m odels of focal cerebral ischemia,the temporal and spatial rules of m etabolism and energy changes in the post- ischem ia brain tissue were m
作者用多聚酶链反应(PCR)技术以已知人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)阳性感染者的PBMC样品检测HIV感染到卡波济肉瘤(KS)出现这一段临床无症状期的人疱疹病毒8型(HHV-8)DNA序列。 HIV
This paper reported 5 Dengue Fever (DF) cases were found among the 9 international travellers, who went to Malaysia, Burma from Nantong. In order to obtain the
通过诗歌教学,学生的审美素养及语文素养,诗情智慧,人文精神等都会得到有效的提升,这就是我们在小学语文中开展诗歌教育的重要意义。对于小学生而言,他们的年龄特征、心理特征等等,都处于不成熟阶段,各方面能力素养的形成都需要教师进行精心的计划与引导,而对于学生语文素养和能力而言,有效的诗歌教学就是必要的选择。  一.现代诗歌教学的原则  在小学语文教学中,现代诗歌教学主要可从三个方向来分析:第一,情趣培养