How the Steel was Tempered Book Review

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  Nikolai Ostrovsky’s novel, How the Steel Was Tempered, occupies a place of prominence in the history of Soviet literature. The making of the book, as well as the whole of Ostrovsky’s literary work, was a deed of valour crowning the life of a heroic Bolshevik. Ostrovsky was born in 1904, in Viliya. The dire poverty and ruthless exploitation which overshadowed the childhood of the future writer sowed the seeds of bitter hatred for his class enemies and wrathful protest against social injustice and human degradation. He was a shepherd boy at nine, and at eleven a kitchen boy in a railway station buffet in the Ukrainian town of Shepetovka, where the family had moved after the outbreak of the world war. Nikolai Ostrovsky was among the first five Komsomol members of Shepetovka. In August 1919 he ran away from home and joined the Red Army, providing himself to be a valiant fighter. In his 15 years, he lost the sight of his right eye. In 1924 Ostrovsky became a member of the Communist Party. Despite the efforts of the best specialists and prolonged sanatorium treatment provided by the Party and Soviet Government, the disease progressed rapidly. It must have been in the year 1925 or 1926, during the first period of his terrible illness, he decided to write a book about the heroic past which would help the Party to bring up the rising generation in the spirit of Communism. Hundreds of thousands of Komsomol members in common with the whole of the Soviet people took part in building the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Lenin Hydroelectric Station. In November 1930, blind and prostrate, he began work on the novel How the Steel Was Tempered. After he dead, the rest of the book was written by his wife, his sister and his closest friends.
  This book is about a man called Pavel Korchagin, a fiction figure, however, we can tell that he is the author himself. As a simple of Russian working class, the figure is outstanding. His experience is actually a fiction figure of the author himself. The author is using his own experience and the Bolshevik spirit and that combines together as the Pavel Korchagin figure. The experience of Pavel Korchagin is more strong, violent and romantic. He is the autobiography of Nikolai Ostrovsky himself. Nikolai Ostrovsky, try to be a hero and he did become one by building a fictional figure that shows his own story and that on behalf of an icon figure of Soviet Union young man. Nikolai Ostrovsky is a hero himself by writing a novel in the condition of being blind himself and that book inspires some generation of people, in Russian, Poland, even in China. Even I read the book when I was at a really young age. Nikolai Ostrosvsky is clever by putting his own story which is not really successful into a figure which is very more like a hero. We can say, that is his political dream, by being Pavel Korchagin. His political idea is reflected and fulfilled by Pavel Korchagin.“Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world──the fight for the Liberation of Mankind” That is the quote that inspired a lot of people in 1900-2000, almost a century. Even sometimes that word can make full of tears in my eyes right now   That is the autobiographer’s spiritual goal and all his seeking in his life. Did he find it in his real life? I would say yes he did, even if he did not finish his book, even if his book is not published at the time he is alive.It is not like that if they lose the cold war, their artwork is not important. I also wish that we can judge their artwork based on the value of the artwork itself. However, there are some technic point we need to figure it out. Is Pavel Korchagin’s experience can be counted as Nikolai Ostrovsky’s experience? Though we can say that Nikolai Ostrovsky’s figure can be counted as the original figure of Pavel Korchagin’s figure, they are still different. Pavel Korchagin’s experience is though similar but different as Nikolai Ostrovsky’s experience. Is Pavel Korchagin’s memory can be counted as Nikolai Ostrovsky’s memory? Pavel Korchagin is a fictional example of Nikolai Ostrovsky. Pavel’s memory follows the similar logic line of Nikolai Ostrovsky’s logic line and they are similar but they are still different in this book, Pavel Korchagin is the new figure created. In this book, the building of the railway of Siberia is a social fact, the class struggle between Soviet Union’s different social classes is also a social fact. The brave and dreamful young man in Soviet Union’s 20 century first half part is also shown in this book. The love between ‘comrade’ in a particular social time in Soviet Union is also reflected in this autobiography. It is the social reflection of the first Stalin Five –Year Plan.Pavel’s mother and Taya, his well-loved wife, are his comrades-in-arms in the revolutionary struggle. He himself brought them into the Communist Party. Through them he continues selflessly to serve the people. In portraying his hero, Nikolai Ostrovsky shows how Korchagin’s best qualities ripen in the process of this participation in the people’s struggle for Socialism. That is shown in the whole book. His best quality is shown anywhere in this book. We cannot tell what kind of people Ostrovsky is in a whole picture but through his autobiography, we can say a person with those talent figure is what Ostrovsky wants the Russian young men to be. And actually, that is what a young man supposed to be.
  (廣联航空 150060)
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