Electrochemical determination of electroinactive guests of β-cyclodextrin at a self-assembled monola

来源 :Science in China(Series B,Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qdragon
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A novel determination method of electroinactive molecules by means of electrochemical technique is presented. A new self-assembled monolayer containing cyclodextrin (CD) is prepared with mono(6-o-p-tolylsulfonyl)-β-cyclodextrin. Although this derivatization process leads to a β-CD coverage of 10% of a full monolayer, this layer shows an effective host-guest response to ferrocene. The interfacial ferrocene complexation gives a response similar to that expected for a Langmuir adsorption isotherm yielding a stability constant of 4.2 ×104 mol-1· L and a maximum ferrocene coverage of 8.6×10-12 mol/cm2. The redox peak currents of the surface-confined ferrocene decrease upon addition of competing β-CD guest species to the solution, such as m-toluic acid (mTA) and sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS). This principle has been used for the determination of the electroinactive molecules, mTA and SDS in the concentration ranges of 0.8-2.7 μmol/L and 5-100 nmol/L, respectively. A novel determination method of electroinactive molecules by means of electrochemical techniques is presented. A new self-assembled monolayer containing cyclodextrin (CD) is prepared with mono (6-op-tolylsulfonyl) -β-cyclodextrin. -CD coverage of 10% of a full monolayer, this layer shows an effective host-guest response to ferrocene. The interfacial ferrocene complexation gives a response similar to that expected for a Langmuir adsorption isotherm yielding a stability constant of 4.2 × 104 mol- 1 · L and a maximum ferrocene coverage of 8.6 × 10-12 mol / cm2. The redox peak currents of the surface-confined ferrocene decrease upon addition of competing β-CD guest species to the solution, such as m-toluic acid (mTA) and sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDS). This principle has been used for the determination of the electroinactive molecules, mTA and SDS in the concentration ranges of 0.8-2.7 μmol / L and 5-100 nmol / L, respectively.
我院于1995年6月至1999年2月用泼尼松龙注射治疗23例儿童鞘膜积液,取得满意疗效,现报道如下。1 一般资料 本组23例,3~7岁13例,8~14岁10例,病程1~9年,8例为精索鞘膜积液,15例为
目的:探讨术后并发症的发生因素和死亡原因以及提高手术成功率的措施。 方法:对 1985-1998年我院收治的 36例急症一期右半结肠切除术患儿作回顾性研究。结果:术后吻合口漏3例(8.3%)、切口感染6例(16.7%)、
(单位:辆)同家1994钲1993正1994/1993%日 本美国德围法国韩国西班牙英国加拿大意大利会蠢亳鼍7 801 3176 601 0484 093 6853 175 2131 805 8951 497 6111 466 8231 215 8301 3
本文分析了1994年8月~1998年8月14例小儿伤寒多器官损害病例资料,报告如下: 1临床资料14例中男9例、女5例,年龄<3岁1例,~7 岁5例,~14岁8例.高热者I3例,其中驰张热6例,稽留热3例,不规则发热4例;各系统临床表现为:肝大4例,脾大