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  What the Dying Want You to Know About Life
  It was a rainy December day when I knocked on Melissa and Bradley’s door for the first time. I was 1)pregnant, cold, wet and without an umbrella; it rarely rains here. Melissa answered the door, quiet, 2)sullen, with dark bags under her eyes, and probably (definitely) 3)anemic. She devoted all of her time to taking care of Bradley, 4)at her expense. Since his 5)ALS 6)diagnosis, Bradley had become steadily weaker, less capable. Refusing a voice-7)assistive device, he had been reduced to 8)grunts and nods, a barely effective means of communication. He had been robbed of the ability to stand, walk or to use his 9)limbs at all.
  Melissa embraced me in the doorway, the 10)desperate 11)grip of someone who had lost hope. She had never seen me. No matter.
  12)Hospice does that to people. It makes strangers family.
  Melissa took my13)saturated sweater, saying, “I don’t see your wings, but I know they are there. You are surely an angel.” She invited me in, offered me a cookie and showed me a seat.
  That day stands out, maybe because Bradley and Melissa are so much like me and my husband. Maybe because I saw my own sullen face in hers. Maybe because of the 14)profound fear that I felt; the fear of losing someone you love so deeply, so deeply that the world couldn’t possibly continue to move around the sun without them.
  When you tell people you’re a hospice nurse, the 15)default comment is always, “Oh I could never do that. I would cry all the time.” In truth, those who work in hospice do cry, not every day, but certainly enough. Still, despite the tears shed, there is a real 16)privilege in being at the bedside of the dying. I’ve traded my 17)stethoscope in (at least 18)temporarily) for a laptop. But my hospice experiences are 19)indelibly 20)etched, and what I learned from the dying is important. And worth sharing.

  Don’t 21)sweat the small stuff (it’s all small stuff). At the end of your life, everything that’s not vitally important—oh, let’s say, whether or not your pants are too tight—suddenly seems really unimportant. Ask yourself if what worries you will still worry you in 10 or 20 or 50 years. Answer honestly.
  Don’t ignore pains, aches or 22)symptoms of disease. Especially those involving the breast, 23)testicles, 24)bowels or skin. This isn’t particularly deep or moving. But it’s important. These things 25)sneak up on you. Many people wish they had faced their fear, seen the doctor earlier and gotten treatment earlier.   Money is an 26)illusion. You think you need so much. In the end, you don’t really need any of it. 27)Prioritize people and experiences over possession.
  The key to a long life? There isn’t one. But a 105-year-old woman told me she lived to be that old because she, “didn’t take no shit from no one.” The same woman told me that the one piece of advice she’d give any woman is this: “A woman can do any damn thing a man can do. You don’t need no man for nothing.” From the mouths of the incredibly old. 28)Sage wisdom.
  Your body is just a 29)vessel for your soul. Quit looking in the mirror. Quit 30)obsessing over your wrinkles, your ass, your dress size. Quit worrying about your hair, makeup, 31)saggy breasts, 32)varicose veins, 33)stretch marks or that 34)mole on your chin (unless it might be cancerous). Quit thinking about any of that staff. It all fades away, one way or another.
  Repair what’s broken. Above all else, at the end of their life, the one regret that every person shares is broken relationships. Whether it’s with your parents, your children or your siblings, if it can be repaired, repair it. Don’t do it to your 35)detriment, but if it can be done, do it. At the end, love is everything.
  In hospice there are a lot of tears, and a lot to learn.
  身体只是灵魂的容器。不要再盯着镜中的影子,不要再纠结于你的皱纹、臀部和服装尺码,不要再担心你的发型、妆容、下垂的乳房、静脉曲张、妊娠纹,或是长在下巴上的那颗痣(除非它有癌变的可能)。不要再想这些事。这一切终将消逝,以这种或那种方式。   东西坏了,就去修补。最重要的一点是,在每个人生命的最后时刻,破裂的关系是他们所共有的一个遗憾。无论是与父母、孩子还是兄弟姐妹,如果关系还能修复,就去修复它。但不必剜肉补疮,不过,如果可以的话,还是要去尝试。最终爱是一切。
  1) pregnant [5pre^nEnt] a. 怀孕的
  2) sullen [5sQlEn] a. 愠怒的,闷闷不乐的
  3) anemic [E5ni:mIk] a. 贫血的,患贫血症的
  4) at one’s expense 以某人的损失为代价
  5) ALS= Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  6) diagnosis [daIE^5nEJsIs] n. 诊断
  7) assistive [E5sIstIv] a. 辅助的,帮助的
  8) grunt [^rQnt] n. 咕噜声,咕哝
  9) limb [lIm] n. 肢,翼,分支
  10) desperate [5despErEt] a. 令人绝望的,危急的
  11) grip [^rIp] n. 掌握,控制
  12) hospice [5h?spIs] n. 临终关怀所
  13) saturated [5sAtFEreItId] a. 浸透的
  14) profound [prE5faJnd] a. 深刻的,深奥的
  15) default [dI5fC:lt] a. 常态的
  16) privilege [5prIvIlIdV] n. 特权
  17) stethoscope [5steWEskEJp] n. 听诊器
  18) temporarily [5tempErErIlI] ad. 暂时地,短暂地
  19) indelibly [In5delEblI] ad. 擦不掉地,不能消灭地
  20) etch [etF] v. 刻划,铭刻
  21) sweat the small stuff 为小事担心
  22) symptom [5sImptEm] n. 症状,征兆
  23) testicle [5testIkEl] n. 睾丸
  24) bowel [5baJEl] n. 肠
  25) sneak up on 偷偷地接近
  26) illusion [I5lu:VEn] n. 幻觉,幻影
  27) prioritize [praI5C:rItaIz] v. 优先考虑
  28) sage [seIdV] a. 睿智的,贤明的
  29) vessel [5vesEl] n. 器皿,容器
  30) obsess [Eb5ses] v. 纠缠,困扰
  31) saggy [5sA^I] a. 松懈的,下垂的
  32) varicose [5vArIkEJs] a. 静脉曲张的,肿胀的
  33) stretch mark 妊娠纹,白纹
  34) mole [mEJl] n. 痣,胎块
  35) detriment [5detrImEnt] n. 损害,伤害
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