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   The Loudest Place on Earth
  The journey from Kilkeel to Silent Valley is really beautiful. The road goes straight from the sea to the mountains of Mourne in Northern Ireland.
  I went there with my wife and daughter in August. We had a picnic lunch, and enjoyed the sunshine. We didn’t forget to save some bread for the ducks—very important for a two-year-old girl.
  We walked ten kilometres to the highest place in the park, Ben Crom. We went past the first lake, and saw beautiful mountains, which looked purple because of the flowers in the sunlight. You really feel like a part of nature here.
  After climbing to the top, we saw the amazing view all the way down the valley: over the first lake, down that beautiful road to Kilkeel, and then the wonderful blue of the sea.
  Discover the perfect quiet of the Silent Valley Mountain Park. The only thing you can hear is what’s happening inside your own head—that’s why it is the loudest place I know.

   Activity 1
  True or false?
  1. There are some beautiful places between Kilkeel and Silent Valley.
  2. The writer’s daughter wanted to feed the ducks.
  3. Ben Crom is the highest place in the park. 4. The mountains looked orange in the sunlight.
  5. You can see the sea from the top.
  6. It is very loud in the park.
   Activity 2
  Choose the correct answer.
  1. Ben Crom is the high/higher/highest place in Silent Valley.
  2. Ben Crom is high/higher/highest, but Ben Nevis is higher.
  3. Silent Valley is the loud/louder/loudest place I know.
  4. Feeding the ducks was important/more important/most important than the view, for my daughter.

记得小时候,家住平房,长长的小巷子一路走过去,皆是和善的笑脸。东家炖了好香的汤,西家带回的家乡特产,左邻右舍谁家都少不了分到一份。到了傍晚,把电视机搬到院子里,几家的人围在一起看电视,说着笑着吃着零食,生活虽然并不富裕,却有一股浓浓的情谊温暖人心。  古话说:“远亲不如近邻”。然而,现代都市里,楼房越来越高,人与人之间的关系却愈加疏远。越来越高级的防盗门不仅隔绝了外界的侵扰,更隔绝了邻里间的温情。
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