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  We are back now with this health news story that’s getting a lot of attention tonight. It’s about organic foods. People who buy them and pay more for them do it for a lot of reasons, but mostly because they think they’re healthier. But are they?
  Reporter: In supermarkets across the country and at farmers markets from coast to coast, increasingly, Americans are buying organic. In 1997, U.S. sales of organic foods topped off at $3.6 billion. Fast forward to 2010, sales totaled more than $26 billion. The reasons?
  Female Consumer: You want to put something on your table that’s healthy. And straight from the farm is the best place to go.
  Male Consumer: Whether that’s healthy or not, I don’t know. But it makes…it makes eating more interesting.
  More interesting maybe, but a new Stanford University study concludes that organic foods are no more nutritious than their conventional 3)alternatives.
  Dr. Crystal Smith-Spangler (Stanford University): We didn’t find strong evidence of higher nutritional content in organic foods. However, we did find differences in the risk of detecting 4)pesticide 5)residues.
  According to the report, organic produce is 30% less likely to carry pesticide residues than other fruits and vegetables. And organic chicken and pork are 67% less likely to have 6)bacteria 7)resistant to common 8)antibiotics. Nutritionists say it may take years to link pesticides and antibiotics to long term health problems, but they say these are issues we have to consider today.
  While organic farmers and 9)ranchers don’t claim their foods are healthier, more than half of them in a recent poll believe that organic is more nutritious. So your best advice: buy local. The shorter the distance between farm to table, the better it’s gonna be, and the more nutritious.



  新闻词汇加油站 关于食物的英文
  cabbage 卷心菜
  cucumber 黄瓜
  Chinese kale 芥蓝
  pumpkin 南瓜
  mustard 芥菜
  chayote 佛手瓜
  spinach 菠菜
  lettuce 生菜
  celery 芹菜
  egg plant 茄子
  radish 白萝卜
  carrot 红萝卜
  broccoli 西兰花
  sponge gourd 丝瓜
  bitter gourd 苦瓜
  leek 韭葱
  grain 谷物
  rice 米
  brown rice 糙米
  wheat 麦
  malt 麦芽
  corn 玉米
  barley 大麦
  sorghum 高粱
  millet 小米
  oat 燕麦
  buckwheat 荞麦
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