Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Dominant Minute Grain Gene Mi3(t) in Rice

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Grain size, determined chiefly by grain length, is one of the main factors affecting the grain yield in rice production. To study the trait of rice grain size, F1 and F2 populations were developed from crosses Shuhui 881/Y34 and Shuhui 527/Y34, and genetic analysis for minute grain was performed. The F1 populations showed minute grains, and grain size segregations in the two F2 populations were both in accordance with the ratio of 3:1, indicating that minute grain in Y34 was controlled by a completely dominant gene. By using the F2 population from Shuhui 881/Y34, this dominant gene, tentatively designated as Mi3(t), was mapped based on SSR markers in the interval between RM282 (genetic distance of 5.1 cM) and RM6283 (genetic distance of 0.9 cM) on the short arm of chromosome 3. Grain size, determined chiefly by grain length, is one of the main factors affecting grain yield in rice production. F1 and F2 populations were developed from crosses Shuhui 881 / Y34 and Shuhui 527 / Y34, The F1 populations showed minute grains, and grain size segregations in the two F2 populations were both in accordance with the ratio of 3: 1, indicating that minute grains in Y34 was controlled by a completely dominant gene By using the F2 population from Shuhui 881 / Y34, this dominant gene, tentatively designated as Mi3 (t), was mapped based on SSR markers in the interval between RM282 (genetic distance of 5.1 cM) and RM6283 (genetic distance of 0.9 cM ) on the short arm of chromosome 3.
关键词:世界田径锦标赛;北京;少儿趣味田径;运动会;展示体验  中图分类号:G623.8 文献标识码:D 文章编号:1005-2410(2015)09-0025-01  2015年8月22~30日,北京迎来了田径高端赛事——世界田径锦标赛。鸟巢,这个体育圣殿再一次见证了博尔特闪电飞人的速度,来自世界各地的田径名将们展开了激烈的比拼;而紧邻鸟巢赛场外的奥林匹克公园,一场适合儿童的少儿趣味田径运动会也
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