The Summer Melody

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teamworkhlc
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  Leisurely people don’t like summer, for it is a melody of tension, hurry and enthusiasm like a pot of water on a stove bubbling gradually and boiling finally. Although cicadas annoying people replaces butterflies flying everywhere, there still exist some other melodies that charm people’s ears in this golden season.
  MAY-a moonlight sonata
  The wind still remembers the fragrance of cherry blossom, the moment May comes here in expectation. Fireflies twinkle lightly in the moonlight just like scattered musical notes dancing in the air. The moonlight sonata comes to light from the sky.
  Granny’s fan beats gracefully in the wind. A swarm of winged insects are humming around a light, sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Their vigor puts the sonata into higher spirits. The moonlight binding up the stars’ songs throws itself on the ground. Having heard the voice, nightingales are too ready to join the sonata and perform admirably. Children count the stars in the breeze, “one, two, three...”, giving the sonata an innocent lyric as a present. At the moment, the sonata strikes a chord with all the musicians, the ground playing a conductor who sways the baton passionately.
  Night melts in the moonlight sonata as a chocolate does. They announce: “Summer is coming!”
  JUNE-a hot wave rondo.
  Summer is in possession of hot waves. It is high time that people should sweat; thereupon the sound of sweating comes in all directions. The summer rondo wells up from a distance.
  The workers’ shirts are dipped in their sweat. The sound of dripping sweat seems to be the notes jumping in a stave. The sound of tearing off ice-cream packing bags is bubbling and bursting in the doorways of shops. Kids are at a loss what to do when the colorful ice-cream is melting on their hands. Sports fans are hitting the water in the swimming pool. Peasants suffer long hours in the rude sunshine, but they work hard as they sing loudly together. The wind goes through wheat waves and delays the harvest delight. The endless melody echoes in the hot wave.
  Hot as the weather is, nature never fails to perform the hot wave rondo. The sun determines to go home eventually to do the dry earth a favor.
  JULY-a brilliant waltz
  Only July is brilliant. Cries of sellers in the alley wake people up and start the music journey. The sun just rises and shines the path. People jump into a gentle waltz round the park.
  The park is divided into many parts by different kinds of music while people enjoy themselves in these mini worlds. Tapes’ voice is in a clear, sharp tone. A group of fashionable youth finds fulfillment in their dance steps. An old man sings confidently on the lake shore, his voice leading the ripple to the center. Several young musicians play the sax on the bridge. Their flexible fingers make the morning animated. Red garments and the shouting of slogans are the symbol of kung fu. They draw people’s attention by traditional culture. Of course, the most significant part of the waltz is ballroom dancing. Its unique beats let people pleased and also bring the cool to them…
  The waltz seems disordered but has abundant contents of summer, and all the melodies are the sincere gifts from people. What’s more, you never regret taking part in this concert personally.
  You are bound to listen to the sound of thunder, of rain, of wind and of animals. However, have you heard the melody of summer? It is hidden in the pool, in the alley, in the park and also in people’s sincere hearts. Discover carefully, listen carefully, and you will find your own summer melody.
【摘要】近几年来在小学英语教学的过程中,要求教师越来越重视教学的趣味性,兴趣才是最好的老师,要想让学生能够学好英语,首先就要保证教学的趣味性。今天我们就五年级英语教学做一下讨论,看看教师应该如何挖掘教学中的趣味元素、如何采取具备趣味性的教学方式来进行教学,希望能够对各位小学英语教师有所帮助。  【关键词】英语教学 趣味元素 如何进行  一、挖掘趣味元素的重要性  为什么要在小学英语教学的过程中挖掘
【摘要】近年来,我国和世界上许多国家一样,在制定和修订基础教育外语课程标准时,把情感态度列为课程目标的重要内容之一。本文就如何培养和发展学生的积极情感,克服和消除学生的消极情感这个问题。  【关键词】积极情感小学英语 教学实效  小学英语教学是整个英语教学过程中最基本、最重要的起始阶段。这个阶段儿童的学习活动带有很大程度的情绪化倾向,当学生对学习有浓厚的兴趣、好奇心和強烈求知欲望时,不仅能产生情感
【摘要】有人说:教育是一门艺术,而雕琢出来的艺术品就是学生,而后进生则是制作过程中出现瑕疵的作品。而我们班主任的工作则是挽救瑕疵,通过弥补和修正来将其重新制作为一个成型的作品,让其有价值。所以,在后进生的转化中,班主任要全面了解学生,找准导致学生成为后进生的关键点,进而,帮助学生重新走到课堂活动之中,并帮助每位学生都成为一个有个性、有价值的作品。  【关键词】初中生 后进生 转化 病根 方法 自信
【摘要】体验式教学的应用,为学生身临其境的学习英语提供了重要途径,可以帮助教师更好的营造适宜的英语语言学习环境,大幅度的提高高中英语学习成绩。体验式教学的运用符合了高中英语自身的特点,是高中学生学习方式的需要。在教学中,教师要将需要学生掌握的知识点整合到语言情境当中去,通过对知识点的实际运用来加深学生的记忆印象;通过教师筛选贴近社会与实际生活的文章,让学生大量阅读,培养学生的语感和词汇量。  【关