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山西省水利厅总結的关于汾河水庫建設六个方面的經驗,我們认为都是好的經驗,是大跃进中較正确地貫彻执行党的鼓足干劲、力爭上游、多快好省地建設社会主义总路綫的經驗,值得认真一讀。汾河水庫建設經驗給我們提出了許多值得深思的问題:我們搞水利水电建設,是首先考虑自己如何过得舒服,建大洋楼,搞特殊化,高高在上,工作深入不下去;还是首先考虑生产,真正做到与群众同甘共苦,深入生产第一线?是对花国家的錢大手大脚,滿不在乎;还是处处勤儉节約,千方百計地为国家节約每一元錢?是动輒眼睛朝上,向国家伸手要;还是眼睛向下,坚决自力更生,克服困难?是强調多快就不能好省,或强調好省就不能多快;还是既能多快,又能好省?等等,汾河的經驗作了有力的回答。归結起来,就是关鍵在于是否有一个革命的、团結的領导班子,在于有无一个好的領导作风。任何单位的領导作风都很要紧,特別是搞大型水利工程,人多摊子大,队伍从四面八方調来,要向自然开战,与洪水作斗爭,十分紧张艰巨,領导班子和領导作风就更为重要。只有有了一个好的領导作风,才能带出一个好的建設队伍来。汾河建設之所以能收到多快好省的效果,正是因为領导和队伍的好作风起了关鍵的作用。这种好作风就是他們总結的“六坚持、六反对”的作风。領导核心有了这种好作风,就会显得坚强有力,歪风邪气吹不进来,牛鬼蛇神钻不进去;領导干部有了这种好作风,在工作中就会想得深,看得准,抓得狠,干得猛,坚持得牢,不管什么热风、冷风都能頂得住;整个队伍有了一种好作风,就会坚如銅墙鉄壁,任何困难难不倒,任何风浪摧不倒。因此,汾河这种“六坚持、六反对”的作风值得我們认真学习。应該指出,随着时間、地点、条件的不同,文中提到的有关自力更生的某些具体做法可能不完全一样,还須因时因地制宜,但他們的这种革命精神永远是十分需要的。 The experience gained by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources in summing up the six aspects of the construction of the Weihe Reservoir is considered to be good experience. It is the correct implementation of the Party’s enthusiasm, efforts to strive for the upper reaches, and more rapid development of the province in the Great Leap Forward. The experience of the general socialist line deserves serious reading. The experience of the construction of the Fenhe Reservoir has brought us many questions that deserve pondering: When we engage in the construction of water conservancy and hydropower, we must first consider how we live comfortably, build a large oceanic house, engage in specialization, and work high, and work can’t go in depth; or consider production first. Is it true that we share the common ground with the masses and go deep into the front line of production? Are we spending our money on the country’s money and don’t care, or are we diligent in our efforts to save every dollar for our country? It’s time to turn our eyes and face the country. Or is it with the eyes down, resolutely self-reliant, and overcoming difficulties? How fast is the emphasis on how fast you can’t save the province, or how good the province can’t be as fast as it can be, or how fast, and how can you save yourself? Made a strong answer. To sum up, the key lies in whether there is a revolutionary, united leadership team and whether there is a good leadership style. The leadership style of any unit is very important. In particular, large-scale water conservancy projects involve large numbers of people, and teams are mobilized from all sides. They must wage war on nature and fight against the flood. They are very tense and arduous, and the leadership and leadership style is very important. More important. Only with a good leadership style can we bring out a good team. It is precisely because the good style of the leadership and the team has played a key role in the fact that the construction of the Luohe River can be more efficient. This kind of good style is the style of “six persistences and six oppositions” they summarized. If a leader’s core has such a good style of work, it will appear strong and strong. If a hurricane or evil spirit does not blow in, the ghosts and gods will not go in. If a leading cadre has such a good style of work, he will think deeply and see clearly in his work. Get hold of you, work hard, stay firm, no matter what the hot or cold wind can withstand; if the entire team has a good style, it will be as strong as a copper wall, and any difficulties will be hard to come by. Any storm will not destroy. inverted. Therefore, the style of “six insistences and six oppositions” of the Weihe River deserves our serious study. It should be pointed out that as time, place, and conditions differ, some of the specific practices mentioned in the article on self-reliance may not be exactly the same, but they must also be adapted to suit local conditions, but their revolutionary spirit is always very much needed.
在全国人民信心满怀地迎来一九八一年的头几天里,第一机械工业部组织并通过了Y、Y-L 系列三相异步电动机(IP44)的技术鉴定。这是我国机电工业的重大事情,也是国民经济调整的
(一)上海地区国标宣贯会 概况 为了进一步宣传贯彻环境试验国家标准。继82年4月13日—22日在我所举办气候环境试验方法国家标准宣贯座谈会后,同年7月19日—22日在上海地区举