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在北欧五国中,挪威设计并不是最为突出与典型的。但随着世界对生态环境愈加重视的潮流,社会经济环境优越、人口密度低、人与自然关系极其密切的挪威正成为实现人与自然和谐发展的最佳实验场。近十几年来,挪威首都奥斯陆进行了一系列卓有成效的建设,包括图伊豪尔门新区的更新、艾克贝格雕塑公园的对外开放、奥斯陆歌剧院的建造等,这些成果都标志着挪威试图在人与自然、传统与现代的语境下找到属于自己的设计定位。挪威奥斯陆建筑三年展通过一系列的展览、讲座、会议、参观、交流、研修班等形式,将挪威寻找问题与答案、寻找设计定位的过程展现在世人面前,让世界认识挪威设计,最终实现以建筑设计影响人类生活的目的。 Among the five Nordic countries, Norwegian design is not the most prominent and typical. However, as the world attaches more importance to the ecological environment, its social and economic environment is superior, its population density is low, and Norway, in which human and nature are most closely related, is becoming the best experimental ground for the harmonious development of man and nature. In recent ten years, Oslo, the Norwegian capital, has carried out a series of fruitful constructions, including the renewal of the Tuihulin Gate New Area, the opening of the Eckberg Sculpture Park and the construction of the Oslo Opera House, all of which symbolize Norway’s attempt In the context of man and nature, tradition and modern to find their own design orientation. Norway Oslo Architecture Triennale Norway through the series of exhibitions, lectures, conferences, visits, exchanges, seminars and other forms of Norway to find the questions and answers to find the design positioning of the show to the world in front of the world to understand the Norwegian design, the ultimate realization The purpose of architectural design affecting human life.
目的探讨个体化经肛提肌外腹会阴联合切除术(extralevator abdominoperineal excision,ELAPE)治疗低位进展期直肠癌的疗效。方法 2011年6月至2015年6月,在术前磁共振成像(mag
阐述桥梁美学的必要性和重要性 ,然后对桥梁美学与环境协调进行重点论述 ,并提出桥梁设计与环境相协调的可行性建议。
采用问卷调查、文献资料调研、数理统计等方法 ,对高年级大学生课外体育活动参与特征进行了分析与研究。结果发现 ,目前高年级大学生参与课外体育活动的人数量少 ,体育活动项