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突发事件是超常规、突然发生、需要立即处理的事件。一般是首次发生,无章可循,处理方案是一种非程序化的决策。突发事件的处理是棘手的,没有人愿意此类事件发生;突发事件的发生又是经常的,也没有人能够完全避免遭遇此类事件。作为领导者,对突发事件既不能有侥幸心理,也不能有畏惧心态,而必须大胆面对,冷静处置,避免由此造成损失或将损失减少到最低限度。处理突发事件,需要当机立断。迅速控制事态。有人认为,处理突发事件首先要临危不惧,迅速查明原因,对症下药。临危不惧是必要的,但迅速查明原因却不现实,或者说是不可能的。如突然发生大规模的聚众斗殴事件,首要的是平息事态而不是保持事态更不是扩大事态,根本就没有时间去查明原因。因而,遭遇突发事件,要采取断然措施控制住事态,使 Emergencies are unconventional, sudden occurrences that require immediate handling. Generally occurs for the first time, without rules, treatment plan is a non-programmed decision-making. The handling of emergencies is tricky. No one wants such an incident. The occurrence of emergencies is frequent and no one can completely avoid such incidents. As a leader, the incident can neither have the chance or fear, and must be bold and confrontation, calm disposal, to avoid causing losses or minimize the loss. Deal with emergencies, need to act decisively. Quickly control the situation. Some people think that dealing with emergencies must first be dying, quickly identify the cause, the right medicine. It is necessary to be on the verge of danger, but it is unrealistic or impossible to identify the cause quickly. In the event of a massive massacre, it is of primary importance to calm the situation rather than maintain it, nor to expand the situation. There is simply no time to find out why. Therefore, in the event of an emergency, we must take drastic measures to control the situation so that
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